[Svn-src-all:887] [version-2_5-dev 19775] #825(ページクラスとテンプレートのファイル名を一致させる)

Seasoft admin @ mail.ec-cube.net
2010年 12月 28日 (火) 15:44:53 JST

Subversion committed to /home/svn/open 19775
│更新者 :  Seasoft                                      │
│更新日時:  2010-12-28 15:44:53 +0900 (火, 28 12月 2010)│

  * 主要箇所を対応

Changed:                      [U:修正,A:追加,D:削除]
D   branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/default/detail.tpl
A   branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/default/index.tpl
D   branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/default/list.tpl
A   branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/default/products/detail.tpl
A   branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/default/products/list.tpl
D   branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/default/top.tpl
A   branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/mobile/index.tpl
D   branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/mobile/top.tpl
D   branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/sphone/detail.tpl
A   branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/sphone/index.tpl
D   branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/sphone/list.tpl
A   branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/sphone/products/detail.tpl
A   branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/sphone/products/list.tpl
D   branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/sphone/top.tpl
U   branches/version-2_5-dev/html/install/sql/insert_data.sql

削除: branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/default/detail.tpl
--- branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/default/detail.tpl	2010-12-28 06:38:47 UTC (rev 19774)
+++ branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/default/detail.tpl	2010-12-28 06:44:53 UTC (rev 19775)
@@ -1,547 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of EC-CUBE
- *
- * Copyright(c) 2000-2010 LOCKON CO.,LTD. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * http://www.lockon.co.jp/
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
- *}-->
-<script type="text/javascript" src="<!--{$smarty.const.URL_DIR}-->js/jquery.fancybox/jquery.mousewheel-3.0.4.pack.js"></script>
-<script type="text/javascript" src="<!--{$smarty.const.URL_DIR}-->js/jquery.fancybox/jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.pack.js"></script>
-<link rel="stylesheet" href="<!--{$smarty.const.URL_DIR}-->js/jquery.fancybox/jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
-<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
-// 規格2に選択肢を割り当てる。
-function fnSetClassCategories(form, classcat_id2_selected) {
-    sele1 = form.classcategory_id1;
-    sele2 = form.classcategory_id2;
-    if (sele1) {
-        if (sele2) {
-            // 規格2の選択肢をクリア
-            count = sele2.options.length;
-            for(i = count; i >= 0; i--) {
-                sele2.options[i] = null;
-            }
-            // 規格2に選択肢を割り当てる
-            classcats = classCategories[sele1.value];
-            i = 0;
-            for (var classcat_id2_key in classcats) {
-                sele2.options[i] = new Option(classcats[classcat_id2_key].name, classcat_id2_key);
-                if (classcat_id2_key == classcat_id2_selected) {
-                    sele2.options[i].selected = true;
-                }
-                i++;
-            }
-        }
-        fnCheckStock(form);
-    }
-function fnCheckStock(form) {
-    classcat_id1 = form.classcategory_id1.value;
-    classcat_id2 = form.classcategory_id2 ? form.classcategory_id2.value : 0;
-    classcat2 = classCategories[classcat_id1][classcat_id2];
-    // 商品コード
-    eleDefault = document.getElementById('product_code_default');
-    eleDynamic = document.getElementById('product_code_dynamic');
-    if (
-           classcat2
-        && typeof classcat2.product_code != 'undefined'
-    ) {
-        eleDefault.style.display = 'none';
-        eleDynamic.innerHTML = classcat2.product_code;
-    } else {
-        eleDefault.style.display = '';
-        eleDynamic.innerHTML = '';
-    }
-    // 在庫(品切れ)
-    eleDefault = document.getElementById('cartbtn_default');
-    eleDynamic = document.getElementById('cartbtn_dynamic');
-    if (
-           classcat2
-        && classcat2.stock_find === false
-    ) {
-        eleDefault.style.display = 'none';
-        eleDynamic.innerHTML = '申し訳ございませんが、只今品切れ中です。';
-    } else {
-        eleDefault.style.display = '';
-        eleDynamic.innerHTML = '';
-    }
-    // 通常価格
-    eleDefault = document.getElementById('price01_default');
-    eleDynamic = document.getElementById('price01_dynamic');
-    if (eleDefault && eleDynamic) {
-        if (
-               classcat2
-            && typeof classcat2.price01 != 'undefined'
-            && String(classcat2.price01).length >= 1
-        ) {
-            eleDefault.style.display = 'none';
-            eleDynamic.innerHTML = classcat2.price01;
-        } else {
-            eleDefault.style.display = '';
-            eleDynamic.innerHTML = '';
-        }
-    }
-    // 販売価格
-    eleDefault = document.getElementById('price02_default');
-    eleDynamic = document.getElementById('price02_dynamic');
-    if (
-           classcat2
-        && typeof classcat2.price02 != 'undefined'
-        && String(classcat2.price02).length >= 1
-    ) {
-        eleDefault.style.display = 'none';
-        eleDynamic.innerHTML = classcat2.price02;
-    } else {
-        eleDefault.style.display = '';
-        eleDynamic.innerHTML = '';
-    }
-    // ポイント
-    eleDefault = document.getElementById('point_default');
-    eleDynamic = document.getElementById('point_dynamic');
-    if (
-           classcat2
-        && typeof classcat2.point != 'undefined'
-        && String(classcat2.point).length >= 1
-    ) {
-        eleDefault.style.display = 'none';
-        eleDynamic.innerHTML = classcat2.point;
-    } else {
-        eleDefault.style.display = '';
-        eleDynamic.innerHTML = '';
-    }
-    // 商品規格
-    eleDynamic = document.getElementById('product_class_id');
-    if (
-           classcat2
-        && typeof classcat2.product_class_id != 'undefined'
-        && String(classcat2.product_class_id).length >= 1
-    ) {
-        eleDynamic.value = classcat2.product_class_id;
-    } else {
-        eleDynamic.value = ''
-    }
-    // 商品種別
-    eleDynamic = document.getElementById('product_type');
-    if (
-           classcat2
-        && typeof classcat2.product_type != 'undefined'
-        && String(classcat2.product_type).length >= 1
-    ) {
-        eleDynamic.value = classcat2.product_type;
-    } else {
-        eleDynamic.value = ''
-    }
-$(document).ready(function() {
-    $("a.expansion").fancybox({
-    });
-<div id="undercolumn" class="product product_detail">
-    <!--★タイトル★-->
-    <h2 class="title"><!--{$tpl_subtitle|escape}--></h2>
-    <!--★詳細メインコメント★-->
-    <div class="main_comment"><!--{$arrProduct.main_comment|nl2br_html}--></div>
-    <div id="detailarea">
-        <div id="detailphotoblock">
-            <!--{assign var=key value="main_image"}-->
-            <!--★画像★-->
-            <a
-                <!--{if $arrProduct.main_large_image|strlen >= 1}-->
-                    href="<!--{$smarty.const.IMAGE_SAVE_URL}--><!--{$arrProduct.main_large_image|escape}-->"
-                    class="expansion"
-                    onmouseover="chgImg('<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/button/btn_expansion_on.gif','expansion01');"
-                    onmouseout="chgImg('<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/button/btn_expansion.gif','expansion01');"
-                    target="_blank"
-                <!--{/if}-->
-            >
-                <img src="<!--{$arrFile[$key].filepath|escape}-->" width="<!--{$arrFile[$key].width}-->" height="<!--{$arrFile[$key].height}-->" alt="<!--{$arrProduct.name|escape}-->" class="picture" /><br />
-                <!--★拡大する★-->
-                <!--{if $arrProduct.main_large_image|strlen >= 1}-->
-                    <img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/button/btn_expansion.gif" width="85" height="13" alt="画像を拡大する" name="expansion01" id="expansion01" />
-                <!--{/if}-->
-            </a>
-        </div>
-        <div id="detailrightblock">
-            <!--▼商品ステータス-->
-            <!--{assign var=ps value=$productStatus[$smarty.get.product_id]}-->
-            <!--{if count($ps) > 0}-->
-                <ul class="status_icon">
-                    <!--{foreach from=$ps item=status}-->
-                    <li>
-                        <img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}--><!--{$arrSTATUS_IMAGE[$status]}-->" width="60" height="17" alt="<!--{$arrSTATUS[$status]}-->" id="icon<!--{$status}-->" />
-                    </li>
-                    <!--{/foreach}-->
-                </ul>
-            <!--{/if}-->
-            <!--▲商品ステータス-->
-            <!--★ダウンロード販売★-->
-            <!--{if $arrProduct.down == 2}-->
-                <div><font color="red">本商品はダウンロード販売となります。<br /> 購入後はMYページの購入履歴からダウンロード可能です。</font></div><br />
-            <!--{/if}-->
-            <!--★商品コード★-->
-            <div>商品コード:
-                <span id="product_code_default">
-                    <!--{if $arrProduct.product_code_min == $arrProduct.product_code_max}-->
-                        <!--{$arrProduct.product_code_min|escape}-->
-                    <!--{else}-->
-                        <!--{$arrProduct.product_code_min|escape}-->〜<!--{$arrProduct.product_code_max|escape}-->
-                    <!--{/if}-->
-                </span><span id="product_code_dynamic"></span>
-            </div>
-            <!--★商品名★-->
-            <h2><!--{$arrProduct.name|escape}--></h2>
-            <!--★販売価格★-->
-            <div class="sale_price"><!--{$smarty.const.SALE_PRICE_TITLE}--><span class="mini">(税込)</span>:
-                <span class="price">
-                    <span id="price02_default">
-                        <!--{if $arrProduct.price02_min == $arrProduct.price02_max}-->
-                            <!--{$arrProduct.price02_min|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->
-                        <!--{else}-->
-                            <!--{$arrProduct.price02_min|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->〜<!--{$arrProduct.price02_max|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->
-                        <!--{/if}-->
-                    </span><span id="price02_dynamic"></span>
-                    円
-                </span>
-            </div>
-            <!--★通常価格★-->
-            <!--{if $arrProduct.price01_max > 0}-->
-                <div class="normal_price">
-                    <!--{$smarty.const.NORMAL_PRICE_TITLE}-->:
-                    <span class="price">
-                        <span id="price01_default">
-                            <!--{if $arrProduct.price01_min == $arrProduct.price01_max}-->
-                                <!--{$arrProduct.price01_min|number_format}-->
-                            <!--{else}-->
-                                <!--{$arrProduct.price01_min|number_format}-->〜<!--{$arrProduct.price01_max|number_format}-->
-                            <!--{/if}-->
-                        </span><span id="price01_dynamic"></span>
-                        円
-                    </span>
-                </div>
-            <!--{/if}-->
-            <!--★ポイント★-->
-            <!--{if $smarty.const.USE_POINT !== false}-->
-                <div><span class="price">ポイント:
-                    <span id="point_default">
-                        <!--{if $arrProduct.price02_min == $arrProduct.price02_max}-->
-                            <!--{$arrProduct.price02_min|sfPrePoint:$arrProduct.point_rate:$smarty.const.POINT_RULE:$arrProduct.product_id}-->
-                        <!--{else}-->
-                            <!--{if $arrProduct.price02_min|sfPrePoint:$arrProduct.point_rate:$smarty.const.POINT_RULE:$arrProduct.product_id == $arrProduct.price02_max|sfPrePoint:$arrProduct.point_rate:$smarty.const.POINT_RULE:$arrProduct.product_id}-->
-                                <!--{$arrProduct.price02_min|sfPrePoint:$arrProduct.point_rate:$smarty.const.POINT_RULE:$arrProduct.product_id}-->
-                            <!--{else}-->
-                                <!--{$arrProduct.price02_min|sfPrePoint:$arrProduct.point_rate:$smarty.const.POINT_RULE:$arrProduct.product_id}-->〜<!--{$arrProduct.price02_max|sfPrePoint:$arrProduct.point_rate:$smarty.const.POINT_RULE:$arrProduct.product_id}-->
-                            <!--{/if}-->
-                        <!--{/if}-->
-                        </span><span id="point_dynamic"></span>
-                        Pt
-                    </span>
-                </div>
-            <!--{/if}-->
-            <!--▼メーカーURL-->
-            <!--{if $arrProduct.comment1|strlen >= 1}-->
-                <div><span class="comment1">メーカーURL:
-                    <a href="<!--{$arrProduct.comment1|escape}-->">
-                        <!--{$arrProduct.comment1|escape}--></a>
-                </div>
-            <!--{/if}-->
-            <!--▲メーカーURL-->
-            <!--★関連カテゴリ★-->
-            <div class="relative_cat">関連カテゴリ:
-                <!--{section name=r loop=$arrRelativeCat}-->
-                <p>
-                    <!--{section name=s loop=$arrRelativeCat[r]}-->
-                    <a href="<!--{$smarty.const.URL_DIR}-->products/list.php?category_id=<!--{$arrRelativeCat[r][s].category_id}-->"><!--{$arrRelativeCat[r][s].category_name}--></a>
-                    <!--{if !$smarty.section.s.last}--><!--{$smarty.const.SEPA_CATNAVI}--><!--{/if}-->
-                    <!--{/section}-->
-                </p>
-                <!--{/section}-->
-            </div>
-            <!--▼買い物かご-->
-            <form name="form1" id="form1" method="post" action="?">
-                <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="cart" />
-                <input type="hidden" name="product_id" value="<!--{$tpl_product_id}-->" />
-                <input type="hidden" name="product_class_id" value="<!--{$tpl_product_class_id}-->" id="product_class_id" />
-                <input type="hidden" name="product_type" value="<!--{$tpl_product_type}-->" id="product_type" />
-                <input type="hidden" name="favorite_product_id" value="" />
-                <!--{if $tpl_stock_find}-->
-                    <dl>
-                        <!--{if $tpl_classcat_find1}-->
-                            <!--▼規格1-->
-                            <dt><!--{$tpl_class_name1|escape}--></dt>
-                            <dd>
-                                <select name="classcategory_id1"
-                                    style="<!--{$arrErr.classcategory_id1|sfGetErrorColor}-->"
-                                    onchange="fnSetClassCategories(this.form);"
-                                >
-                                    <!--{html_options options=$arrClassCat1 selected=$arrForm.classcategory_id1.value}-->
-                                </select>
-                                <!--{if $arrErr.classcategory_id1 != ""}-->
-                                    <br /><span class="attention">※ <!--{$tpl_class_name1}-->を入力して下さい。</span>
-                                <!--{/if}-->
-                            </dd>
-                            <!--▲規格1-->
-                        <!--{/if}-->
-                        <!--{if $tpl_classcat_find2}-->
-                            <!--▼規格2-->
-                            <dt><!--{$tpl_class_name2|escape}--></dt>
-                            <dd>
-                                <select name="classcategory_id2"
-                                    style="<!--{$arrErr.classcategory_id2|sfGetErrorColor}-->"
-                                    onchange="fnCheckStock(this.form);"
-                                >
-                                </select>
-                                <!--{if $arrErr.classcategory_id2 != ""}-->
-                                    <br /><span class="attention">※ <!--{$tpl_class_name2}-->を入力して下さい。</span>
-                                <!--{/if}-->
-                            </dd>
-                            <!--▲規格2-->
-                        <!--{/if}-->
-                        <dt>数量</dt>
-                        <dd>
-                            <input type="text" name="quantity" class="box54" value="<!--{$arrForm.quantity.value|default:1}-->" maxlength="<!--{$smarty.const.INT_LEN}-->" style="<!--{$arrErr.quantity|sfGetErrorColor}-->" />
-                            <!--{if $arrErr.quantity != ""}-->
-                                <br /><span class="attention"><!--{$arrErr.quantity}--></span>
-                            <!--{/if}-->
-                        </dd>
-                    </dl>
-                <!--{/if}-->
-                <div class="btn">
-                    <!--{if $smarty.const.OPTION_FAVOFITE_PRODUCT == 1 && $tpl_login === true}-->
-                        <div>
-                            <!--{assign var=add_favorite value="add_favorite`$product_id`"}-->
-                            <!--{if $arrErr[$add_favorite]}--><div class="attention"><!--{$arrErr[$add_favorite]}--></div><!--{/if}-->
-                            <!--{if !$arrProduct.favorite_count}-->
-                                <a
-                                    href="javascript:fnModeSubmit('add_favorite','favorite_product_id','<!--{$arrProduct.product_id|escape}-->');"
-                                    onmouseover="chgImg('<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/button/btn_add_favorite_on.gif','add_favolite_product');"
-                                    onmouseout="chgImg('<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/button/btn_add_favorite.gif','add_favolite_product');"
-                                ><img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/button/btn_add_favorite.gif" width="115" height="20" alt="お気に入りに追加" name="add_favolite_product" id="add_favolite_product" /></a>
-                            <!--{else}-->
-                                <img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/button/btn_add_favorite_on.gif" width="115" height="20" alt="お気に入り登録済" name="add_favolite_product" id="add_favolite_product" />
-                            <!--{/if}-->
-                        </div>
-                    <!--{/if}-->
-                    <!--{if $tpl_stock_find}-->
-                        <div id="cartbtn_default">
-                            <!--★カゴに入れる★-->
-                            <div>
-                                <a href="javascript:void(document.form1.submit())" onmouseover="chgImg('<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/button/btn_cartin_on.gif','cart');" onmouseout="chgImg('<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/button/btn_cartin.gif','cart');">
-                                    <img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/button/btn_cartin.gif" width="115" height="25" alt="カゴに入れる" name="cart" id="cart" /></a>
-                            </div>
-                            <!--{if 'sfGMODetailDisplay'|function_exists}--><!--{* GMOワンクリック *}-->
-                                <!--{'sfGMODetailDisplay'|call_user_func}-->
-                            <!--{/if}-->
-                        </div>
-                        <div class="attention" id="cartbtn_dynamic"></div>
-                    <!--{else}-->
-                        <div class="attention">申し訳ございませんが、只今品切れ中です。</div>
-                    <!--{/if}-->
-                </div>
-            </form>
-            <!--▲買い物かご-->
-        </div>
-    </div>
-    <!--{* オペビルダー用 *}-->
-    <!--{if "sfViewDetailOpe"|function_exists === TRUE}-->
-        <!--{include file=`$smarty.const.MODULE_PATH`mdl_opebuilder/detail_ope_view.tpl}-->
-    <!--{/if}-->
-    <!--詳細ここまで-->
-    <!--▼サブコメント-->
-    <!--{section name=cnt loop=$smarty.const.PRODUCTSUB_MAX}-->
-        <!--{assign var=key value="sub_title`$smarty.section.cnt.index+1`"}-->
-        <!--{if $arrProduct[$key] != ""}-->
-            <div class="subarea">
-                <h3><!--★サブタイトル★--><!--{$arrProduct[$key]|escape}--></h3>
-                <!--{assign var=ckey value="sub_comment`$smarty.section.cnt.index+1`"}-->
-                <div class="subtext"><!--★サブテキスト★--><!--{$arrProduct[$ckey]|nl2br_html}--></div>
-                <!--▼サブ画像-->
-                <!--{assign var=key value="sub_image`$smarty.section.cnt.index+1`"}-->
-                <!--{assign var=lkey value="sub_large_image`$smarty.section.cnt.index+1`"}-->
-                <!--{if $arrProduct[$key]|strlen >= 1}-->
-                    <div class="subphotoimg">
-                        <a
-                            <!--{if $arrProduct[$lkey]|strlen >= 1}-->
-                                href="<!--{$smarty.const.IMAGE_SAVE_URL}--><!--{$arrProduct[$lkey]|escape}-->"
-                                class="expansion"
-                                onmouseover="chgImg('<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/button/btn_expansion_on.gif', 'expansion_<!--{$lkey|escape}-->');"
-                                onmouseout="chgImg('<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/button/btn_expansion.gif', 'expansion_<!--{$lkey|escape}-->');"
-                                target="_blank"
-                            <!--{/if}-->
-                        >
-                            <img src="<!--{$arrFile[$key].filepath}-->" alt="<!--{$arrProduct.name|escape}-->" width="<!--{$arrFile[$key].width}-->" height="<!--{$arrFile[$key].height}-->" /><br />
-                            <!--{if $arrProduct[$lkey]|strlen >= 1}-->
-                                <img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/button/btn_expansion.gif" width="85" height="13" alt="画像を拡大する" id="expansion_<!--{$lkey|escape}-->" />
-                            <!--{/if}-->
-                        </a>
-                    </div>
-                <!--{/if}-->
-                <!--▲サブ画像-->
-            </div>
-        <!--{/if}-->
-    <!--{/section}-->
-    <!--▲サブコメント-->
-    <!--この商品に対するお客様の声-->
-    <div id="customervoicearea">
-        <h2><img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/title/tit_product_voice.jpg" width="550" height="30" alt="この商品に対するお客様の声" /></h2>
-        <!--{if count($arrReview) < $smarty.const.REVIEW_REGIST_MAX}-->
-            <!--★新規コメントを書き込む★-->
-            <a href="./review.php"
-                 onclick="win02('./review.php?product_id=<!--{$arrProduct.product_id}-->','review','580','580'); return false;"
-                 onmouseover="chgImg('<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/button/btn_comment_on.gif','review');"
-                 onmouseout="chgImg('<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/button/btn_comment.gif','review');" target="_blank">
-                <img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/button/btn_comment.gif" width="150" height="22" alt="新規コメントを書き込む" name="review" id="review" /></a>
-        <!--{/if}-->
-        <!--{if count($arrReview) > 0}-->
-            <ul>
-                <!--{section name=cnt loop=$arrReview}-->
-                    <li>
-                        <p class="voicedate"><!--{$arrReview[cnt].create_date|sfDispDBDate:false}--> 投稿者:<!--{if $arrReview[cnt].reviewer_url}--><a href="<!--{$arrReview[cnt].reviewer_url}-->" target="_blank"><!--{$arrReview[cnt].reviewer_name|escape}--></a><!--{else}--><!--{$arrReview[cnt].reviewer_name|escape}--><!--{/if}--> おすすめレベル:<span class="recommend_level"><!--{assign var=level value=$arrReview[cnt].recommend_level}--><!--{$arrRECOMMEND[$level]|escape}--></span></p>
-                        <p class="voicetitle"><!--{$arrReview[cnt].title|escape}--></p>
-                        <p class="voicecomment"><!--{$arrReview[cnt].comment|escape|nl2br}--></p>
-                    </li>
-                <!--{/section}-->
-            </ul>
-        <!--{/if}-->
-    </div>
-    <!--お客様の声ここまで-->
-    <!--{if $arrTrackbackView == "ON"}-->
-        <!--▼トラックバック-->
-        <div id="trackbackarea">
-            <h2>この商品に対するトラックバック</h2>
-            <h3>この商品のトラックバック先URL</h3>
-            <input type="text" name="trackback" value="<!--{$trackback_url}-->" size="100" class="box500" />
-            <!--{if $arrTrackback}-->
-                <ul>
-                <!--{section name=cnt loop=$arrTrackback}-->
-                    <li><strong><!--{$arrTrackback[cnt].create_date|sfDispDBDate:false}--> <a href="<!--{$arrTrackback[cnt].url}-->" target="_blank"><!--{$arrTrackback[cnt].title|escape}--></a> from <!--{$arrTrackback[cnt].blog_name|escape}--></strong>
-                        <p><!--{$arrTrackback[cnt].excerpt|escape|mb_strimwidth:0:200:"..."}--></p></li>
-                <!--{/section}-->
-                </ul>
-            <!--{/if}-->
-        </div>
-        <!--▲トラックバック-->
-    <!--{/if}-->
-    <!--▼関連商品-->
-    <!--{if $arrRecommend}-->
-        <div id="whoboughtarea">
-            <h2><img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/title/tit_product_recommend.jpg" width="550" height="30" alt="その他のオススメ商品(関連商品)" /></h2>
-            <div class="whoboughtblock">
-            <!--{section name=cnt loop=$arrRecommend}-->
-                <!--{if ($smarty.section.cnt.index % 2) == 0}-->
-                <!--{if $arrRecommend[cnt].product_id}-->
-                <!-- 左列 -->
-                <div class="whoboughtleft">
-                    <a href="<!--{$smarty.const.DETAIL_P_HTML}--><!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].product_id|escape:url}-->">
-                        <img src="<!--{$smarty.const.URL_DIR}-->resize_image.php?image=<!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].main_list_image|sfNoImageMainList|escape}-->&amp;width=65&amp;height=65" alt="<!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].name|escape}-->" /></a>
-                    <!--{assign var=price02_min value=`$arrRecommend[cnt].price02_min`}-->
-                    <!--{assign var=price02_max value=`$arrRecommend[cnt].price02_max`}-->
-                    <h3><a href="<!--{$smarty.const.DETAIL_P_HTML}--><!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].product_id|escape:url}-->"><!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].name|escape}--></a></h3>
-                    <p class="sale_price"><!--{$smarty.const.SALE_PRICE_TITLE}--><span class="mini">(税込)</span>:<span class="price">
-                        <!--{if $price02_min == $price02_max}-->
-                            <!--{$price02_min|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->
-                        <!--{else}-->
-                            <!--{$price02_min|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->〜<!--{$price02_max|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->
-                        <!--{/if}-->円</span></p>
-                    <p class="mini"><!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].comment|escape|nl2br}--></p>
-                </div>
-                <!-- 左列 -->
-                <!--{/if}-->
-                <!--{/if}-->
-                <!--{if ($smarty.section.cnt.index % 2) != 0}-->
-                <!--{* assign var=nextCnt value=$smarty.section.cnt.index+1 *}-->
-                <!--{if $arrRecommend[cnt].product_id}-->
-                <!-- 右列 -->
-                <div class="whoboughtright">
-                    <a href="<!--{$smarty.const.DETAIL_P_HTML}--><!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].product_id|escape:url}-->">
-                        <img src="<!--{$smarty.const.URL_DIR}-->resize_image.php?image=<!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].main_list_image|sfNoImageMainList|escape}-->&amp;width=65&amp;height=65" alt="<!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].name|escape}-->" /></a>
-                    <!--{assign var=price02_min value=`$arrRecommend[cnt].price02_min`}-->
-                    <!--{assign var=price02_max value=`$arrRecommend[cnt].price02_max`}-->
-                    <h3><a href="<!--{$smarty.const.DETAIL_P_HTML}--><!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].product_id|escape:url}-->"><!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].name|escape}--></a></h3>
-                    <p class="sale_price"><!--{$smarty.const.SALE_PRICE_TITLE}--><span class="mini">(税込)</span>:<span class="price">
-                        <!--{if $price02_min == $price02_max}-->
-                            <!--{$price02_min|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->
-                        <!--{else}-->
-                            <!--{$price02_min|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->〜<!--{$price02_max|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->
-                        <!--{/if}-->円</span></p>
-                    <p class="mini"><!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].comment|escape|nl2br}--></p>
-                </div>
-                <!-- 右列 -->
-            <!--{/if}-->
-            <!--{/if}-->
-            <!--{if $smarty.section.cnt.last}-->
-            </div>
-            <!--{/if}-->
-        <!--{/section}-->
-        </div>
-    <!--{/if}-->
-    <!--▲関連商品-->

コピーによる追加: branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/default/index.tpl (コピー元: リビジョン 19773, branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/default/top.tpl)
--- branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/default/index.tpl	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/default/index.tpl	2010-12-28 06:44:53 UTC (rev 19775)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ * This file is part of EC-CUBE
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2000-2010 LOCKON CO.,LTD. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * http://www.lockon.co.jp/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+ *}-->
+<div id="flasharea">
+  <img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/picture/img_main.gif" alt="EC-CUBEイメージ" />

削除: branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/default/list.tpl
--- branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/default/list.tpl	2010-12-28 06:38:47 UTC (rev 19774)
+++ branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/default/list.tpl	2010-12-28 06:44:53 UTC (rev 19775)
@@ -1,363 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of EC-CUBE
- *
- * Copyright(c) 2000-2010 LOCKON CO.,LTD. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * http://www.lockon.co.jp/
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
- *}-->
-<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
-// 規格2に選択肢を割り当てる。
-function fnSetClassCategories(form, classcat_id2_selected) {
-    sele1 = form.classcategory_id1;
-    sele2 = form.classcategory_id2;
-    product_id = form.product_id.value;
-    if (sele1) {
-        if (sele2) {
-            // 規格2の選択肢をクリア
-            count = sele2.options.length;
-            for(i = count; i >= 0; i--) {
-                sele2.options[i] = null;
-            }
-            // 規格2に選択肢を割り当てる
-            classcats = productsClassCategories[product_id][sele1.value];
-            i = 0;
-            for (var classcat_id2_key in classcats) {
-                sele2.options[i] = new Option(classcats[classcat_id2_key].name, classcat_id2_key);
-                if (classcat_id2_key == classcat_id2_selected) {
-                    sele2.options[i].selected = true;
-                }
-                i++;
-            }
-        }
-        fnCheckStock(form);
-    }
-// 並び順を変更
-function fnChangeOrderby(orderby) {
-    fnSetVal('orderby', orderby);
-    fnSetVal('pageno', 1);
-    fnSubmit();
-// 表示件数を変更
-function fnChangeDispNumber(dispNumber) {
-    fnSetVal('disp_number', dispNumber);
-    fnSetVal('pageno', 1);
-    fnSubmit();
-// カゴに入れる
-function fnInCart(productForm) {
-    var product_id = productForm["product_id"].value;
-    fnChangeAction("?#product" + product_id);
-    if (productForm["classcategory_id1"]) {
-        fnSetVal("classcategory_id1", productForm["classcategory_id1"].value);
-    }
-    if (productForm["classcategory_id2"]) {
-        fnSetVal("classcategory_id2", productForm["classcategory_id2"].value);
-    }
-    fnSetVal("quantity", productForm["quantity"].value);
-    fnSetVal("product_id", productForm["product_id"].value);
-    fnSetVal("product_class_id", productForm["product_class_id"].value);
-    fnSetVal("product_type", productForm["product_type"].value);
-    fnSubmit();
-function fnCheckStock(form) {
-    product_id = form.product_id.value;
-    classcat_id1 = form.classcategory_id1.value;
-    classcat_id2 = form.classcategory_id2 ? form.classcategory_id2.value : 0;
-    classcat2 = productsClassCategories[product_id][classcat_id1][classcat_id2];
-    // 在庫(品切れ)
-    eleDefault = document.getElementById('cartbtn_default_' + product_id);
-    eleDynamic = document.getElementById('cartbtn_dynamic_' + product_id);
-    if (
-           classcat2
-        && classcat2.stock_find === false
-    ) {
-        eleDefault.style.display = 'none';
-        eleDynamic.innerHTML = '申し訳ございませんが、只今品切れ中です。';
-    } else {
-        eleDefault.style.display = '';
-        eleDynamic.innerHTML = '';
-    }
-    // 販売価格
-    eleDefault = document.getElementById('price02_default_' + product_id);
-    eleDynamic = document.getElementById('price02_dynamic_' + product_id);
-    if (
-           classcat2
-        && typeof classcat2.price02 != 'undefined'
-        && String(classcat2.price02).length >= 1
-    ) {
-        eleDefault.style.display = 'none';
-        eleDynamic.innerHTML = classcat2.price02;
-    } else {
-        eleDefault.style.display = '';
-        eleDynamic.innerHTML = '';
-    }
-    // 商品規格
-    eleDynamic = document.getElementById('product_class_id' + product_id);
-    if (
-           classcat2
-        && typeof classcat2.product_class_id != 'undefined'
-        && String(classcat2.product_class_id).length >= 1
-    ) {
-        eleDynamic.value = classcat2.product_class_id;
-    } else {
-        eleDynamic.value = ''
-    }
-    // 商品種別
-    eleDynamic = document.getElementById('product_type' + product_id);
-    if (
-           classcat2
-        && typeof classcat2.product_type != 'undefined'
-        && String(classcat2.product_type).length >= 1
-    ) {
-        eleDynamic.value = classcat2.product_type;
-    } else {
-        eleDynamic.value = ''
-    }
-<div id="undercolumn" class="product product_list">
-    <form name="form1" id="form1" method="get" action="?">
-        <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="<!--{$mode|escape}-->" />
-        <!--{* ▼検索条件 *}-->
-        <input type="hidden" name="category_id" value="<!--{$arrSearchData.category_id|escape}-->" />
-        <input type="hidden" name="maker_id" value="<!--{$arrSearchData.maker_id|escape}-->" />
-        <input type="hidden" name="name" value="<!--{$arrSearchData.name|escape}-->" />
-        <!--{* ▲検索条件 *}-->
-        <!--{* ▼ページナビ関連 *}-->
-        <input type="hidden" name="orderby" value="<!--{$orderby|escape}-->" />
-        <input type="hidden" name="disp_number" value="<!--{$disp_number|escape}-->" />
-        <input type="hidden" name="pageno" value="<!--{$tpl_pageno|escape}-->" />
-        <!--{* ▲ページナビ関連 *}-->
-        <!--{* ▼注文関連 *}-->
-        <input type="hidden" name="product_id" value="" />
-        <input type="hidden" name="classcategory_id1" value="" />
-        <input type="hidden" name="classcategory_id2" value="" />
-        <input type="hidden" name="product_class_id" value="" />
-        <input type="hidden" name="product_type" value="" />
-        <input type="hidden" name="quantity" value="" />
-        <!--{* ▲注文関連 *}-->
-        <input type="hidden" name="rnd" value="<!--{$tpl_rnd|escape}-->" />
-    </form>
-    <!--★タイトル★-->
-    <h2 class="title"><!--{$tpl_subtitle|escape}--></h2>
-    <!--▼検索条件-->
-    <!--{if $tpl_subtitle == "検索結果"}-->
-        <ul class="pagecondarea">
-            <li><strong>商品カテゴリ:</strong><!--{$arrSearch.category|escape}--></li>
-        <!--{if $arrSearch.maker|strlen >= 1}--><li><strong>メーカー:</strong><!--{$arrSearch.maker|escape}--></li><!--{/if}-->
-            <li><strong>商品名:</strong><!--{$arrSearch.name|escape}--></li>
-        </ul>
-    <!--{/if}-->
-    <!--▲検索条件-->
-    <!--▼ページナビ(本文)-->
-    <!--{capture name=page_navi_body}-->
-        <div class="pagenumberarea">
-            <div class="change">
-                <!--{if $orderby != 'price'}-->
-                    <a href="javascript:fnChangeOrderby('price');">価格順</a>
-                <!--{else}-->
-                    <strong>価格順</strong>
-                <!--{/if}-->&nbsp;
-                <!--{if $orderby != "date"}-->
-                        <a href="javascript:fnChangeOrderby('date');">新着順</a>
-                <!--{else}-->
-                    <strong>新着順</strong>
-                <!--{/if}-->
-                表示件数
-                <select name="disp_number" onchange="javascript:fnChangeDispNumber(this.value);">
-                    <!--{foreach from=$arrPRODUCTLISTMAX item="dispnum" key="num"}-->
-                        <!--{if $num == $disp_number}-->
-                        <option value="<!--{$num}-->" selected="selected" ><!--{$dispnum}--></option>
-                        <!--{else}-->
-                        <option value="<!--{$num}-->" ><!--{$dispnum}--></option>
-                        <!--{/if}-->
-                    <!--{/foreach}-->
-                </select>
-            </div>
-            <div class="navi"><!--{$tpl_strnavi}--></div>
-        </div>
-    <!--{/capture}-->
-    <!--▲ページナビ(本文)-->
-    <!--{foreach from=$arrProducts item=arrProduct name=arrProducts}-->
-        <!--{if $smarty.foreach.arrProducts.first}-->
-            <!--▼件数-->
-            <div>
-                <span class="pagenumber"><!--{$tpl_linemax}--></span>件の商品がございます。
-            </div>
-            <!--▲件数-->
-            <!--▼ページナビ(上部)-->
-            <form name="page_navi_top" id="page_navi_top" action="?">
-                <!--{if $tpl_linemax > 0}--><!--{$smarty.capture.page_navi_body|smarty:nodefaults}--><!--{/if}-->
-            </form>
-            <!--▲ページナビ(上部)-->
-        <!--{/if}-->
-        <!--{assign var=id value=$arrProduct.product_id}-->
-        <!--{assign var=arrErr value=$arrProduct.arrErr}-->
-        <!--▼商品-->
-        <div class="listarea">
-        <a name="product<!--{$id|escape}-->" />
-            <div class="listphoto">
-                <!--★画像★-->
-                <a href="<!--{$smarty.const.DETAIL_P_HTML}--><!--{$arrProduct.product_id|escape:url}-->" class="over"><!--商品写真--><img src="<!--{$smarty.const.IMAGE_SAVE_URL|sfTrimURL}-->/<!--{$arrProduct.main_list_image|sfNoImageMainList|escape}-->" alt="<!--{$arrProduct.name|escape}-->" class="picture" /></a>
-            </div>
-            <div class="listrightblock">
-                <!--▼商品ステータス-->
-                <!--{if count($productStatus[$id]) > 0}-->
-                    <ul class="status_icon">
-                        <!--{foreach from=$productStatus[$id] item=status}--> 
-                            <li>
-                                <img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}--><!--{$arrSTATUS_IMAGE[$status]}-->" width="60" height="17" alt="<!--{$arrSTATUS[$status]}-->"/>
-                            </li>
-                        <!--{/foreach}-->
-                    </ul>
-                <!--{/if}-->
-                <!--▲商品ステータス-->
-                <!--★商品名★-->
-                <h3>
-                    <a href="<!--{$smarty.const.DETAIL_P_HTML}--><!--{$arrProduct.product_id|escape:url}-->" name="product<!--{$arrProduct.product_id}-->"><!--{$arrProduct.name|escape}--></a>
-                </h3>
-                <!--★コメント★-->
-                <p class="listcomment"><!--{$arrProduct.main_list_comment|escape|nl2br}--></p>
-                <p>
-                    <span class="pricebox sale_price">
-                        <!--{$smarty.const.SALE_PRICE_TITLE}--><span class="mini">(税込)</span>:
-                        <span class="price">
-                            <span id="price02_default_<!--{$id}-->">
-                                <!--{if $arrProduct.price02_min == $arrProduct.price02_max}-->
-                                    <!--{$arrProduct.price02_min|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->
-                                <!--{else}-->
-                                    <!--{$arrProduct.price02_min|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->〜<!--{$arrProduct.price02_max|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->
-                                <!--{/if}-->
-                            </span><span id="price02_dynamic_<!--{$id}-->"></span>
-                            円</span>
-                    </span>
-                    <!--★詳細ボタン★-->
-                    <span class="btnbox">
-                        <!--{assign var=name value="detail`$id`"}-->
-                        <a href="<!--{$smarty.const.DETAIL_P_HTML}--><!--{$arrProduct.product_id|escape:url}-->" onmouseover="chgImg('<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/button/btn_detail_on.gif','<!--{$name}-->');" onmouseout="chgImg('<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/button/btn_detail.gif','<!--{$name}-->');">
-                            <img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/button/btn_detail.gif" width="115" height="25" alt="詳しくはこちら" name="<!--{$name}-->" id="<!--{$name}-->" /></a>
-                    </span>
-                </p>
-                <!--▼買い物かご-->
-                <form name="product_form<!--{$id|escape}-->" action="?" onsubmit="return false;">
-                    <input type="hidden" name="product_id" value="<!--{$id|escape}-->" />
-                    <input type="hidden" name="product_class_id" id="product_class_id<!--{$id|escape}-->" value="<!--{$tpl_product_class_id[$id]}-->" />
-                    <input type="hidden" name="product_type" id="product_type<!--{$id|escape}-->" value="<!--{$tpl_product_type[$id]}-->" />
-                    <div class="in_cart">
-                        <!--{if $tpl_stock_find[$id]}-->
-                            <dl>
-                                <!--{if $tpl_classcat_find1[$id]}-->
-                                    <!--▼規格1-->
-                                    <dt><!--{$tpl_class_name1[$id]|escape}-->:</dt>
-                                    <dd>
-                                        <select name="classcategory_id1"
-                                            style="<!--{$arrErr.classcategory_id1|sfGetErrorColor}-->"
-                                            onchange="fnSetClassCategories(this.form);"
-                                        >
-                                            <!--{html_options options=$arrClassCat1[$id] selected=$arrProduct.classcategory_id1}-->
-                                        </select>
-                                        <!--{if $arrErr.classcategory_id1 != ""}-->
-                                            <br /><span class="attention">※ <!--{$tpl_class_name1[$id]}-->を入力して下さい。</span>
-                                        <!--{/if}-->
-                                    </dd>
-                                    <!--▲規格1-->
-                                <!--{/if}-->
-                                <!--{if $tpl_classcat_find2[$id]}-->
-                                    <!--▼規格2-->
-                                    <dt><!--{$tpl_class_name2[$id]|escape}-->:</dt>
-                                    <dd>
-                                        <select name="classcategory_id2"
-                                            style="<!--{$arrErr.classcategory_id2|sfGetErrorColor}-->"
-                                            onchange="fnCheckStock(this.form);"
-                                        >
-                                        </select>
-                                        <!--{if $arrErr.classcategory_id2 != ""}-->
-                                            <br /><span class="attention">※ <!--{$tpl_class_name2[$id]}-->を入力して下さい。</span>
-                                        <!--{/if}-->
-                                    </dd>
-                                    <!--▲規格2-->
-                                <!--{/if}-->
-                                <dt>数量:</dt>
-                                <dd>
-                                    <input type="text" name="quantity" class="box54" value="<!--{$arrProduct.quantity|default:1|escape}-->" maxlength="<!--{$smarty.const.INT_LEN}-->" style="<!--{$arrErr.quantity|sfGetErrorColor}-->" />
-                                    <!--{if $arrErr.quantity != ""}-->
-                                        <br /><span class="attention"><!--{$arrErr.quantity}--></span>
-                                    <!--{/if}-->
-                                </dd>
-                            </dl>
-                            <div class="cartbtn">
-                                <!--★カゴに入れる★-->
-                                <div id="cartbtn_default_<!--{$id}-->">
-                                    <input
-                                        type="image"
-                                        id="cart<!--{$id}-->"
-                                        src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/button/btn_cartin.gif"
-                                        alt="カゴに入れる"
-                                        onclick="fnInCart(this.form); return false;"
-                                        onmouseover="chgImg('<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/button/btn_cartin_on.gif', this);"
-                                        onmouseout="chgImg('<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/button/btn_cartin.gif', this);"
-                                    />
-                                </div>
-                                <div class="attention" id="cartbtn_dynamic_<!--{$id}-->"></div>
-                            </div>
-                        <!--{else}-->
-                            <div class="cartbtn attention">申し訳ございませんが、只今品切れ中です。</div>
-                        <!--{/if}-->
-                    </div>
-                </form>
-                <!--▲買い物かご-->
-            </div>
-        </div>
-        <!--▲商品-->
-        <!--{if $smarty.foreach.arrProducts.last}-->
-            <!--▼ページナビ(下部)-->
-            <form name="page_navi_bottom" id="page_navi_bottom" action="?">
-                <!--{if $tpl_linemax > 0}--><!--{$smarty.capture.page_navi_body|smarty:nodefaults}--><!--{/if}-->
-            </form>
-            <!--▲ページナビ(下部)-->
-        <!--{/if}-->
-    <!--{foreachelse}-->
-        <!--{include file="frontparts/search_zero.tpl"}-->
-    <!--{/foreach}-->

コピーによる追加: branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/default/products/detail.tpl (コピー元: リビジョン 19773, branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/default/detail.tpl)
--- branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/default/products/detail.tpl	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/default/products/detail.tpl	2010-12-28 06:44:53 UTC (rev 19775)
@@ -0,0 +1,547 @@
+ * This file is part of EC-CUBE
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2000-2010 LOCKON CO.,LTD. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * http://www.lockon.co.jp/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+ *}-->
+<script type="text/javascript" src="<!--{$smarty.const.URL_DIR}-->js/jquery.fancybox/jquery.mousewheel-3.0.4.pack.js"></script>
+<script type="text/javascript" src="<!--{$smarty.const.URL_DIR}-->js/jquery.fancybox/jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.pack.js"></script>
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="<!--{$smarty.const.URL_DIR}-->js/jquery.fancybox/jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
+<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
+// 規格2に選択肢を割り当てる。
+function fnSetClassCategories(form, classcat_id2_selected) {
+    sele1 = form.classcategory_id1;
+    sele2 = form.classcategory_id2;
+    if (sele1) {
+        if (sele2) {
+            // 規格2の選択肢をクリア
+            count = sele2.options.length;
+            for(i = count; i >= 0; i--) {
+                sele2.options[i] = null;
+            }
+            // 規格2に選択肢を割り当てる
+            classcats = classCategories[sele1.value];
+            i = 0;
+            for (var classcat_id2_key in classcats) {
+                sele2.options[i] = new Option(classcats[classcat_id2_key].name, classcat_id2_key);
+                if (classcat_id2_key == classcat_id2_selected) {
+                    sele2.options[i].selected = true;
+                }
+                i++;
+            }
+        }
+        fnCheckStock(form);
+    }
+function fnCheckStock(form) {
+    classcat_id1 = form.classcategory_id1.value;
+    classcat_id2 = form.classcategory_id2 ? form.classcategory_id2.value : 0;
+    classcat2 = classCategories[classcat_id1][classcat_id2];
+    // 商品コード
+    eleDefault = document.getElementById('product_code_default');
+    eleDynamic = document.getElementById('product_code_dynamic');
+    if (
+           classcat2
+        && typeof classcat2.product_code != 'undefined'
+    ) {
+        eleDefault.style.display = 'none';
+        eleDynamic.innerHTML = classcat2.product_code;
+    } else {
+        eleDefault.style.display = '';
+        eleDynamic.innerHTML = '';
+    }
+    // 在庫(品切れ)
+    eleDefault = document.getElementById('cartbtn_default');
+    eleDynamic = document.getElementById('cartbtn_dynamic');
+    if (
+           classcat2
+        && classcat2.stock_find === false
+    ) {
+        eleDefault.style.display = 'none';
+        eleDynamic.innerHTML = '申し訳ございませんが、只今品切れ中です。';
+    } else {
+        eleDefault.style.display = '';
+        eleDynamic.innerHTML = '';
+    }
+    // 通常価格
+    eleDefault = document.getElementById('price01_default');
+    eleDynamic = document.getElementById('price01_dynamic');
+    if (eleDefault && eleDynamic) {
+        if (
+               classcat2
+            && typeof classcat2.price01 != 'undefined'
+            && String(classcat2.price01).length >= 1
+        ) {
+            eleDefault.style.display = 'none';
+            eleDynamic.innerHTML = classcat2.price01;
+        } else {
+            eleDefault.style.display = '';
+            eleDynamic.innerHTML = '';
+        }
+    }
+    // 販売価格
+    eleDefault = document.getElementById('price02_default');
+    eleDynamic = document.getElementById('price02_dynamic');
+    if (
+           classcat2
+        && typeof classcat2.price02 != 'undefined'
+        && String(classcat2.price02).length >= 1
+    ) {
+        eleDefault.style.display = 'none';
+        eleDynamic.innerHTML = classcat2.price02;
+    } else {
+        eleDefault.style.display = '';
+        eleDynamic.innerHTML = '';
+    }
+    // ポイント
+    eleDefault = document.getElementById('point_default');
+    eleDynamic = document.getElementById('point_dynamic');
+    if (
+           classcat2
+        && typeof classcat2.point != 'undefined'
+        && String(classcat2.point).length >= 1
+    ) {
+        eleDefault.style.display = 'none';
+        eleDynamic.innerHTML = classcat2.point;
+    } else {
+        eleDefault.style.display = '';
+        eleDynamic.innerHTML = '';
+    }
+    // 商品規格
+    eleDynamic = document.getElementById('product_class_id');
+    if (
+           classcat2
+        && typeof classcat2.product_class_id != 'undefined'
+        && String(classcat2.product_class_id).length >= 1
+    ) {
+        eleDynamic.value = classcat2.product_class_id;
+    } else {
+        eleDynamic.value = ''
+    }
+    // 商品種別
+    eleDynamic = document.getElementById('product_type');
+    if (
+           classcat2
+        && typeof classcat2.product_type != 'undefined'
+        && String(classcat2.product_type).length >= 1
+    ) {
+        eleDynamic.value = classcat2.product_type;
+    } else {
+        eleDynamic.value = ''
+    }
+$(document).ready(function() {
+    $("a.expansion").fancybox({
+    });
+<div id="undercolumn" class="product product_detail">
+    <!--★タイトル★-->
+    <h2 class="title"><!--{$tpl_subtitle|escape}--></h2>
+    <!--★詳細メインコメント★-->
+    <div class="main_comment"><!--{$arrProduct.main_comment|nl2br_html}--></div>
+    <div id="detailarea">
+        <div id="detailphotoblock">
+            <!--{assign var=key value="main_image"}-->
+            <!--★画像★-->
+            <a
+                <!--{if $arrProduct.main_large_image|strlen >= 1}-->
+                    href="<!--{$smarty.const.IMAGE_SAVE_URL}--><!--{$arrProduct.main_large_image|escape}-->"
+                    class="expansion"
+                    onmouseover="chgImg('<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/button/btn_expansion_on.gif','expansion01');"
+                    onmouseout="chgImg('<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/button/btn_expansion.gif','expansion01');"
+                    target="_blank"
+                <!--{/if}-->
+            >
+                <img src="<!--{$arrFile[$key].filepath|escape}-->" width="<!--{$arrFile[$key].width}-->" height="<!--{$arrFile[$key].height}-->" alt="<!--{$arrProduct.name|escape}-->" class="picture" /><br />
+                <!--★拡大する★-->
+                <!--{if $arrProduct.main_large_image|strlen >= 1}-->
+                    <img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/button/btn_expansion.gif" width="85" height="13" alt="画像を拡大する" name="expansion01" id="expansion01" />
+                <!--{/if}-->
+            </a>
+        </div>
+        <div id="detailrightblock">
+            <!--▼商品ステータス-->
+            <!--{assign var=ps value=$productStatus[$smarty.get.product_id]}-->
+            <!--{if count($ps) > 0}-->
+                <ul class="status_icon">
+                    <!--{foreach from=$ps item=status}-->
+                    <li>
+                        <img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}--><!--{$arrSTATUS_IMAGE[$status]}-->" width="60" height="17" alt="<!--{$arrSTATUS[$status]}-->" id="icon<!--{$status}-->" />
+                    </li>
+                    <!--{/foreach}-->
+                </ul>
+            <!--{/if}-->
+            <!--▲商品ステータス-->
+            <!--★ダウンロード販売★-->
+            <!--{if $arrProduct.down == 2}-->
+                <div><font color="red">本商品はダウンロード販売となります。<br /> 購入後はMYページの購入履歴からダウンロード可能です。</font></div><br />
+            <!--{/if}-->
+            <!--★商品コード★-->
+            <div>商品コード:
+                <span id="product_code_default">
+                    <!--{if $arrProduct.product_code_min == $arrProduct.product_code_max}-->
+                        <!--{$arrProduct.product_code_min|escape}-->
+                    <!--{else}-->
+                        <!--{$arrProduct.product_code_min|escape}-->〜<!--{$arrProduct.product_code_max|escape}-->
+                    <!--{/if}-->
+                </span><span id="product_code_dynamic"></span>
+            </div>
+            <!--★商品名★-->
+            <h2><!--{$arrProduct.name|escape}--></h2>
+            <!--★販売価格★-->
+            <div class="sale_price"><!--{$smarty.const.SALE_PRICE_TITLE}--><span class="mini">(税込)</span>:
+                <span class="price">
+                    <span id="price02_default">
+                        <!--{if $arrProduct.price02_min == $arrProduct.price02_max}-->
+                            <!--{$arrProduct.price02_min|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->
+                        <!--{else}-->
+                            <!--{$arrProduct.price02_min|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->〜<!--{$arrProduct.price02_max|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->
+                        <!--{/if}-->
+                    </span><span id="price02_dynamic"></span>
+                    円
+                </span>
+            </div>
+            <!--★通常価格★-->
+            <!--{if $arrProduct.price01_max > 0}-->
+                <div class="normal_price">
+                    <!--{$smarty.const.NORMAL_PRICE_TITLE}-->:
+                    <span class="price">
+                        <span id="price01_default">
+                            <!--{if $arrProduct.price01_min == $arrProduct.price01_max}-->
+                                <!--{$arrProduct.price01_min|number_format}-->
+                            <!--{else}-->
+                                <!--{$arrProduct.price01_min|number_format}-->〜<!--{$arrProduct.price01_max|number_format}-->
+                            <!--{/if}-->
+                        </span><span id="price01_dynamic"></span>
+                        円
+                    </span>
+                </div>
+            <!--{/if}-->
+            <!--★ポイント★-->
+            <!--{if $smarty.const.USE_POINT !== false}-->
+                <div><span class="price">ポイント:
+                    <span id="point_default">
+                        <!--{if $arrProduct.price02_min == $arrProduct.price02_max}-->
+                            <!--{$arrProduct.price02_min|sfPrePoint:$arrProduct.point_rate:$smarty.const.POINT_RULE:$arrProduct.product_id}-->
+                        <!--{else}-->
+                            <!--{if $arrProduct.price02_min|sfPrePoint:$arrProduct.point_rate:$smarty.const.POINT_RULE:$arrProduct.product_id == $arrProduct.price02_max|sfPrePoint:$arrProduct.point_rate:$smarty.const.POINT_RULE:$arrProduct.product_id}-->
+                                <!--{$arrProduct.price02_min|sfPrePoint:$arrProduct.point_rate:$smarty.const.POINT_RULE:$arrProduct.product_id}-->
+                            <!--{else}-->
+                                <!--{$arrProduct.price02_min|sfPrePoint:$arrProduct.point_rate:$smarty.const.POINT_RULE:$arrProduct.product_id}-->〜<!--{$arrProduct.price02_max|sfPrePoint:$arrProduct.point_rate:$smarty.const.POINT_RULE:$arrProduct.product_id}-->
+                            <!--{/if}-->
+                        <!--{/if}-->
+                        </span><span id="point_dynamic"></span>
+                        Pt
+                    </span>
+                </div>
+            <!--{/if}-->
+            <!--▼メーカーURL-->
+            <!--{if $arrProduct.comment1|strlen >= 1}-->
+                <div><span class="comment1">メーカーURL:
+                    <a href="<!--{$arrProduct.comment1|escape}-->">
+                        <!--{$arrProduct.comment1|escape}--></a>
+                </div>
+            <!--{/if}-->
+            <!--▲メーカーURL-->
+            <!--★関連カテゴリ★-->
+            <div class="relative_cat">関連カテゴリ:
+                <!--{section name=r loop=$arrRelativeCat}-->
+                <p>
+                    <!--{section name=s loop=$arrRelativeCat[r]}-->
+                    <a href="<!--{$smarty.const.URL_DIR}-->products/list.php?category_id=<!--{$arrRelativeCat[r][s].category_id}-->"><!--{$arrRelativeCat[r][s].category_name}--></a>
+                    <!--{if !$smarty.section.s.last}--><!--{$smarty.const.SEPA_CATNAVI}--><!--{/if}-->
+                    <!--{/section}-->
+                </p>
+                <!--{/section}-->
+            </div>
+            <!--▼買い物かご-->
+            <form name="form1" id="form1" method="post" action="?">
+                <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="cart" />
+                <input type="hidden" name="product_id" value="<!--{$tpl_product_id}-->" />
+                <input type="hidden" name="product_class_id" value="<!--{$tpl_product_class_id}-->" id="product_class_id" />
+                <input type="hidden" name="product_type" value="<!--{$tpl_product_type}-->" id="product_type" />
+                <input type="hidden" name="favorite_product_id" value="" />
+                <!--{if $tpl_stock_find}-->
+                    <dl>
+                        <!--{if $tpl_classcat_find1}-->
+                            <!--▼規格1-->
+                            <dt><!--{$tpl_class_name1|escape}--></dt>
+                            <dd>
+                                <select name="classcategory_id1"
+                                    style="<!--{$arrErr.classcategory_id1|sfGetErrorColor}-->"
+                                    onchange="fnSetClassCategories(this.form);"
+                                >
+                                    <!--{html_options options=$arrClassCat1 selected=$arrForm.classcategory_id1.value}-->
+                                </select>
+                                <!--{if $arrErr.classcategory_id1 != ""}-->
+                                    <br /><span class="attention">※ <!--{$tpl_class_name1}-->を入力して下さい。</span>
+                                <!--{/if}-->
+                            </dd>
+                            <!--▲規格1-->
+                        <!--{/if}-->
+                        <!--{if $tpl_classcat_find2}-->
+                            <!--▼規格2-->
+                            <dt><!--{$tpl_class_name2|escape}--></dt>
+                            <dd>
+                                <select name="classcategory_id2"
+                                    style="<!--{$arrErr.classcategory_id2|sfGetErrorColor}-->"
+                                    onchange="fnCheckStock(this.form);"
+                                >
+                                </select>
+                                <!--{if $arrErr.classcategory_id2 != ""}-->
+                                    <br /><span class="attention">※ <!--{$tpl_class_name2}-->を入力して下さい。</span>
+                                <!--{/if}-->
+                            </dd>
+                            <!--▲規格2-->
+                        <!--{/if}-->
+                        <dt>数量</dt>
+                        <dd>
+                            <input type="text" name="quantity" class="box54" value="<!--{$arrForm.quantity.value|default:1}-->" maxlength="<!--{$smarty.const.INT_LEN}-->" style="<!--{$arrErr.quantity|sfGetErrorColor}-->" />
+                            <!--{if $arrErr.quantity != ""}-->
+                                <br /><span class="attention"><!--{$arrErr.quantity}--></span>
+                            <!--{/if}-->
+                        </dd>
+                    </dl>
+                <!--{/if}-->
+                <div class="btn">
+                    <!--{if $smarty.const.OPTION_FAVOFITE_PRODUCT == 1 && $tpl_login === true}-->
+                        <div>
+                            <!--{assign var=add_favorite value="add_favorite`$product_id`"}-->
+                            <!--{if $arrErr[$add_favorite]}--><div class="attention"><!--{$arrErr[$add_favorite]}--></div><!--{/if}-->
+                            <!--{if !$arrProduct.favorite_count}-->
+                                <a
+                                    href="javascript:fnModeSubmit('add_favorite','favorite_product_id','<!--{$arrProduct.product_id|escape}-->');"
+                                    onmouseover="chgImg('<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/button/btn_add_favorite_on.gif','add_favolite_product');"
+                                    onmouseout="chgImg('<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/button/btn_add_favorite.gif','add_favolite_product');"
+                                ><img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/button/btn_add_favorite.gif" width="115" height="20" alt="お気に入りに追加" name="add_favolite_product" id="add_favolite_product" /></a>
+                            <!--{else}-->
+                                <img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/button/btn_add_favorite_on.gif" width="115" height="20" alt="お気に入り登録済" name="add_favolite_product" id="add_favolite_product" />
+                            <!--{/if}-->
+                        </div>
+                    <!--{/if}-->
+                    <!--{if $tpl_stock_find}-->
+                        <div id="cartbtn_default">
+                            <!--★カゴに入れる★-->
+                            <div>
+                                <a href="javascript:void(document.form1.submit())" onmouseover="chgImg('<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/button/btn_cartin_on.gif','cart');" onmouseout="chgImg('<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/button/btn_cartin.gif','cart');">
+                                    <img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/button/btn_cartin.gif" width="115" height="25" alt="カゴに入れる" name="cart" id="cart" /></a>
+                            </div>
+                            <!--{if 'sfGMODetailDisplay'|function_exists}--><!--{* GMOワンクリック *}-->
+                                <!--{'sfGMODetailDisplay'|call_user_func}-->
+                            <!--{/if}-->
+                        </div>
+                        <div class="attention" id="cartbtn_dynamic"></div>
+                    <!--{else}-->
+                        <div class="attention">申し訳ございませんが、只今品切れ中です。</div>
+                    <!--{/if}-->
+                </div>
+            </form>
+            <!--▲買い物かご-->
+        </div>
+    </div>
+    <!--{* オペビルダー用 *}-->
+    <!--{if "sfViewDetailOpe"|function_exists === TRUE}-->
+        <!--{include file=`$smarty.const.MODULE_PATH`mdl_opebuilder/detail_ope_view.tpl}-->
+    <!--{/if}-->
+    <!--詳細ここまで-->
+    <!--▼サブコメント-->
+    <!--{section name=cnt loop=$smarty.const.PRODUCTSUB_MAX}-->
+        <!--{assign var=key value="sub_title`$smarty.section.cnt.index+1`"}-->
+        <!--{if $arrProduct[$key] != ""}-->
+            <div class="subarea">
+                <h3><!--★サブタイトル★--><!--{$arrProduct[$key]|escape}--></h3>
+                <!--{assign var=ckey value="sub_comment`$smarty.section.cnt.index+1`"}-->
+                <div class="subtext"><!--★サブテキスト★--><!--{$arrProduct[$ckey]|nl2br_html}--></div>
+                <!--▼サブ画像-->
+                <!--{assign var=key value="sub_image`$smarty.section.cnt.index+1`"}-->
+                <!--{assign var=lkey value="sub_large_image`$smarty.section.cnt.index+1`"}-->
+                <!--{if $arrProduct[$key]|strlen >= 1}-->
+                    <div class="subphotoimg">
+                        <a
+                            <!--{if $arrProduct[$lkey]|strlen >= 1}-->
+                                href="<!--{$smarty.const.IMAGE_SAVE_URL}--><!--{$arrProduct[$lkey]|escape}-->"
+                                class="expansion"
+                                onmouseover="chgImg('<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/button/btn_expansion_on.gif', 'expansion_<!--{$lkey|escape}-->');"
+                                onmouseout="chgImg('<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/button/btn_expansion.gif', 'expansion_<!--{$lkey|escape}-->');"
+                                target="_blank"
+                            <!--{/if}-->
+                        >
+                            <img src="<!--{$arrFile[$key].filepath}-->" alt="<!--{$arrProduct.name|escape}-->" width="<!--{$arrFile[$key].width}-->" height="<!--{$arrFile[$key].height}-->" /><br />
+                            <!--{if $arrProduct[$lkey]|strlen >= 1}-->
+                                <img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/button/btn_expansion.gif" width="85" height="13" alt="画像を拡大する" id="expansion_<!--{$lkey|escape}-->" />
+                            <!--{/if}-->
+                        </a>
+                    </div>
+                <!--{/if}-->
+                <!--▲サブ画像-->
+            </div>
+        <!--{/if}-->
+    <!--{/section}-->
+    <!--▲サブコメント-->
+    <!--この商品に対するお客様の声-->
+    <div id="customervoicearea">
+        <h2><img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/title/tit_product_voice.jpg" width="550" height="30" alt="この商品に対するお客様の声" /></h2>
+        <!--{if count($arrReview) < $smarty.const.REVIEW_REGIST_MAX}-->
+            <!--★新規コメントを書き込む★-->
+            <a href="./review.php"
+                 onclick="win02('./review.php?product_id=<!--{$arrProduct.product_id}-->','review','580','580'); return false;"
+                 onmouseover="chgImg('<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/button/btn_comment_on.gif','review');"
+                 onmouseout="chgImg('<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/button/btn_comment.gif','review');" target="_blank">
+                <img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/button/btn_comment.gif" width="150" height="22" alt="新規コメントを書き込む" name="review" id="review" /></a>
+        <!--{/if}-->
+        <!--{if count($arrReview) > 0}-->
+            <ul>
+                <!--{section name=cnt loop=$arrReview}-->
+                    <li>
+                        <p class="voicedate"><!--{$arrReview[cnt].create_date|sfDispDBDate:false}--> 投稿者:<!--{if $arrReview[cnt].reviewer_url}--><a href="<!--{$arrReview[cnt].reviewer_url}-->" target="_blank"><!--{$arrReview[cnt].reviewer_name|escape}--></a><!--{else}--><!--{$arrReview[cnt].reviewer_name|escape}--><!--{/if}--> おすすめレベル:<span class="recommend_level"><!--{assign var=level value=$arrReview[cnt].recommend_level}--><!--{$arrRECOMMEND[$level]|escape}--></span></p>
+                        <p class="voicetitle"><!--{$arrReview[cnt].title|escape}--></p>
+                        <p class="voicecomment"><!--{$arrReview[cnt].comment|escape|nl2br}--></p>
+                    </li>
+                <!--{/section}-->
+            </ul>
+        <!--{/if}-->
+    </div>
+    <!--お客様の声ここまで-->
+    <!--{if $arrTrackbackView == "ON"}-->
+        <!--▼トラックバック-->
+        <div id="trackbackarea">
+            <h2>この商品に対するトラックバック</h2>
+            <h3>この商品のトラックバック先URL</h3>
+            <input type="text" name="trackback" value="<!--{$trackback_url}-->" size="100" class="box500" />
+            <!--{if $arrTrackback}-->
+                <ul>
+                <!--{section name=cnt loop=$arrTrackback}-->
+                    <li><strong><!--{$arrTrackback[cnt].create_date|sfDispDBDate:false}--> <a href="<!--{$arrTrackback[cnt].url}-->" target="_blank"><!--{$arrTrackback[cnt].title|escape}--></a> from <!--{$arrTrackback[cnt].blog_name|escape}--></strong>
+                        <p><!--{$arrTrackback[cnt].excerpt|escape|mb_strimwidth:0:200:"..."}--></p></li>
+                <!--{/section}-->
+                </ul>
+            <!--{/if}-->
+        </div>
+        <!--▲トラックバック-->
+    <!--{/if}-->
+    <!--▼関連商品-->
+    <!--{if $arrRecommend}-->
+        <div id="whoboughtarea">
+            <h2><img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/title/tit_product_recommend.jpg" width="550" height="30" alt="その他のオススメ商品(関連商品)" /></h2>
+            <div class="whoboughtblock">
+            <!--{section name=cnt loop=$arrRecommend}-->
+                <!--{if ($smarty.section.cnt.index % 2) == 0}-->
+                <!--{if $arrRecommend[cnt].product_id}-->
+                <!-- 左列 -->
+                <div class="whoboughtleft">
+                    <a href="<!--{$smarty.const.DETAIL_P_HTML}--><!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].product_id|escape:url}-->">
+                        <img src="<!--{$smarty.const.URL_DIR}-->resize_image.php?image=<!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].main_list_image|sfNoImageMainList|escape}-->&amp;width=65&amp;height=65" alt="<!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].name|escape}-->" /></a>
+                    <!--{assign var=price02_min value=`$arrRecommend[cnt].price02_min`}-->
+                    <!--{assign var=price02_max value=`$arrRecommend[cnt].price02_max`}-->
+                    <h3><a href="<!--{$smarty.const.DETAIL_P_HTML}--><!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].product_id|escape:url}-->"><!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].name|escape}--></a></h3>
+                    <p class="sale_price"><!--{$smarty.const.SALE_PRICE_TITLE}--><span class="mini">(税込)</span>:<span class="price">
+                        <!--{if $price02_min == $price02_max}-->
+                            <!--{$price02_min|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->
+                        <!--{else}-->
+                            <!--{$price02_min|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->〜<!--{$price02_max|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->
+                        <!--{/if}-->円</span></p>
+                    <p class="mini"><!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].comment|escape|nl2br}--></p>
+                </div>
+                <!-- 左列 -->
+                <!--{/if}-->
+                <!--{/if}-->
+                <!--{if ($smarty.section.cnt.index % 2) != 0}-->
+                <!--{* assign var=nextCnt value=$smarty.section.cnt.index+1 *}-->
+                <!--{if $arrRecommend[cnt].product_id}-->
+                <!-- 右列 -->
+                <div class="whoboughtright">
+                    <a href="<!--{$smarty.const.DETAIL_P_HTML}--><!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].product_id|escape:url}-->">
+                        <img src="<!--{$smarty.const.URL_DIR}-->resize_image.php?image=<!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].main_list_image|sfNoImageMainList|escape}-->&amp;width=65&amp;height=65" alt="<!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].name|escape}-->" /></a>
+                    <!--{assign var=price02_min value=`$arrRecommend[cnt].price02_min`}-->
+                    <!--{assign var=price02_max value=`$arrRecommend[cnt].price02_max`}-->
+                    <h3><a href="<!--{$smarty.const.DETAIL_P_HTML}--><!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].product_id|escape:url}-->"><!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].name|escape}--></a></h3>
+                    <p class="sale_price"><!--{$smarty.const.SALE_PRICE_TITLE}--><span class="mini">(税込)</span>:<span class="price">
+                        <!--{if $price02_min == $price02_max}-->
+                            <!--{$price02_min|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->
+                        <!--{else}-->
+                            <!--{$price02_min|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->〜<!--{$price02_max|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->
+                        <!--{/if}-->円</span></p>
+                    <p class="mini"><!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].comment|escape|nl2br}--></p>
+                </div>
+                <!-- 右列 -->
+            <!--{/if}-->
+            <!--{/if}-->
+            <!--{if $smarty.section.cnt.last}-->
+            </div>
+            <!--{/if}-->
+        <!--{/section}-->
+        </div>
+    <!--{/if}-->
+    <!--▲関連商品-->

コピーによる追加: branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/default/products/list.tpl (コピー元: リビジョン 19773, branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/default/list.tpl)
--- branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/default/products/list.tpl	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/default/products/list.tpl	2010-12-28 06:44:53 UTC (rev 19775)
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+ * This file is part of EC-CUBE
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2000-2010 LOCKON CO.,LTD. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * http://www.lockon.co.jp/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+ *}-->
+<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
+// 規格2に選択肢を割り当てる。
+function fnSetClassCategories(form, classcat_id2_selected) {
+    sele1 = form.classcategory_id1;
+    sele2 = form.classcategory_id2;
+    product_id = form.product_id.value;
+    if (sele1) {
+        if (sele2) {
+            // 規格2の選択肢をクリア
+            count = sele2.options.length;
+            for(i = count; i >= 0; i--) {
+                sele2.options[i] = null;
+            }
+            // 規格2に選択肢を割り当てる
+            classcats = productsClassCategories[product_id][sele1.value];
+            i = 0;
+            for (var classcat_id2_key in classcats) {
+                sele2.options[i] = new Option(classcats[classcat_id2_key].name, classcat_id2_key);
+                if (classcat_id2_key == classcat_id2_selected) {
+                    sele2.options[i].selected = true;
+                }
+                i++;
+            }
+        }
+        fnCheckStock(form);
+    }
+// 並び順を変更
+function fnChangeOrderby(orderby) {
+    fnSetVal('orderby', orderby);
+    fnSetVal('pageno', 1);
+    fnSubmit();
+// 表示件数を変更
+function fnChangeDispNumber(dispNumber) {
+    fnSetVal('disp_number', dispNumber);
+    fnSetVal('pageno', 1);
+    fnSubmit();
+// カゴに入れる
+function fnInCart(productForm) {
+    var product_id = productForm["product_id"].value;
+    fnChangeAction("?#product" + product_id);
+    if (productForm["classcategory_id1"]) {
+        fnSetVal("classcategory_id1", productForm["classcategory_id1"].value);
+    }
+    if (productForm["classcategory_id2"]) {
+        fnSetVal("classcategory_id2", productForm["classcategory_id2"].value);
+    }
+    fnSetVal("quantity", productForm["quantity"].value);
+    fnSetVal("product_id", productForm["product_id"].value);
+    fnSetVal("product_class_id", productForm["product_class_id"].value);
+    fnSetVal("product_type", productForm["product_type"].value);
+    fnSubmit();
+function fnCheckStock(form) {
+    product_id = form.product_id.value;
+    classcat_id1 = form.classcategory_id1.value;
+    classcat_id2 = form.classcategory_id2 ? form.classcategory_id2.value : 0;
+    classcat2 = productsClassCategories[product_id][classcat_id1][classcat_id2];
+    // 在庫(品切れ)
+    eleDefault = document.getElementById('cartbtn_default_' + product_id);
+    eleDynamic = document.getElementById('cartbtn_dynamic_' + product_id);
+    if (
+           classcat2
+        && classcat2.stock_find === false
+    ) {
+        eleDefault.style.display = 'none';
+        eleDynamic.innerHTML = '申し訳ございませんが、只今品切れ中です。';
+    } else {
+        eleDefault.style.display = '';
+        eleDynamic.innerHTML = '';
+    }
+    // 販売価格
+    eleDefault = document.getElementById('price02_default_' + product_id);
+    eleDynamic = document.getElementById('price02_dynamic_' + product_id);
+    if (
+           classcat2
+        && typeof classcat2.price02 != 'undefined'
+        && String(classcat2.price02).length >= 1
+    ) {
+        eleDefault.style.display = 'none';
+        eleDynamic.innerHTML = classcat2.price02;
+    } else {
+        eleDefault.style.display = '';
+        eleDynamic.innerHTML = '';
+    }
+    // 商品規格
+    eleDynamic = document.getElementById('product_class_id' + product_id);
+    if (
+           classcat2
+        && typeof classcat2.product_class_id != 'undefined'
+        && String(classcat2.product_class_id).length >= 1
+    ) {
+        eleDynamic.value = classcat2.product_class_id;
+    } else {
+        eleDynamic.value = ''
+    }
+    // 商品種別
+    eleDynamic = document.getElementById('product_type' + product_id);
+    if (
+           classcat2
+        && typeof classcat2.product_type != 'undefined'
+        && String(classcat2.product_type).length >= 1
+    ) {
+        eleDynamic.value = classcat2.product_type;
+    } else {
+        eleDynamic.value = ''
+    }
+<div id="undercolumn" class="product product_list">
+    <form name="form1" id="form1" method="get" action="?">
+        <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="<!--{$mode|escape}-->" />
+        <!--{* ▼検索条件 *}-->
+        <input type="hidden" name="category_id" value="<!--{$arrSearchData.category_id|escape}-->" />
+        <input type="hidden" name="maker_id" value="<!--{$arrSearchData.maker_id|escape}-->" />
+        <input type="hidden" name="name" value="<!--{$arrSearchData.name|escape}-->" />
+        <!--{* ▲検索条件 *}-->
+        <!--{* ▼ページナビ関連 *}-->
+        <input type="hidden" name="orderby" value="<!--{$orderby|escape}-->" />
+        <input type="hidden" name="disp_number" value="<!--{$disp_number|escape}-->" />
+        <input type="hidden" name="pageno" value="<!--{$tpl_pageno|escape}-->" />
+        <!--{* ▲ページナビ関連 *}-->
+        <!--{* ▼注文関連 *}-->
+        <input type="hidden" name="product_id" value="" />
+        <input type="hidden" name="classcategory_id1" value="" />
+        <input type="hidden" name="classcategory_id2" value="" />
+        <input type="hidden" name="product_class_id" value="" />
+        <input type="hidden" name="product_type" value="" />
+        <input type="hidden" name="quantity" value="" />
+        <!--{* ▲注文関連 *}-->
+        <input type="hidden" name="rnd" value="<!--{$tpl_rnd|escape}-->" />
+    </form>
+    <!--★タイトル★-->
+    <h2 class="title"><!--{$tpl_subtitle|escape}--></h2>
+    <!--▼検索条件-->
+    <!--{if $tpl_subtitle == "検索結果"}-->
+        <ul class="pagecondarea">
+            <li><strong>商品カテゴリ:</strong><!--{$arrSearch.category|escape}--></li>
+        <!--{if $arrSearch.maker|strlen >= 1}--><li><strong>メーカー:</strong><!--{$arrSearch.maker|escape}--></li><!--{/if}-->
+            <li><strong>商品名:</strong><!--{$arrSearch.name|escape}--></li>
+        </ul>
+    <!--{/if}-->
+    <!--▲検索条件-->
+    <!--▼ページナビ(本文)-->
+    <!--{capture name=page_navi_body}-->
+        <div class="pagenumberarea">
+            <div class="change">
+                <!--{if $orderby != 'price'}-->
+                    <a href="javascript:fnChangeOrderby('price');">価格順</a>
+                <!--{else}-->
+                    <strong>価格順</strong>
+                <!--{/if}-->&nbsp;
+                <!--{if $orderby != "date"}-->
+                        <a href="javascript:fnChangeOrderby('date');">新着順</a>
+                <!--{else}-->
+                    <strong>新着順</strong>
+                <!--{/if}-->
+                表示件数
+                <select name="disp_number" onchange="javascript:fnChangeDispNumber(this.value);">
+                    <!--{foreach from=$arrPRODUCTLISTMAX item="dispnum" key="num"}-->
+                        <!--{if $num == $disp_number}-->
+                        <option value="<!--{$num}-->" selected="selected" ><!--{$dispnum}--></option>
+                        <!--{else}-->
+                        <option value="<!--{$num}-->" ><!--{$dispnum}--></option>
+                        <!--{/if}-->
+                    <!--{/foreach}-->
+                </select>
+            </div>
+            <div class="navi"><!--{$tpl_strnavi}--></div>
+        </div>
+    <!--{/capture}-->
+    <!--▲ページナビ(本文)-->
+    <!--{foreach from=$arrProducts item=arrProduct name=arrProducts}-->
+        <!--{if $smarty.foreach.arrProducts.first}-->
+            <!--▼件数-->
+            <div>
+                <span class="pagenumber"><!--{$tpl_linemax}--></span>件の商品がございます。
+            </div>
+            <!--▲件数-->
+            <!--▼ページナビ(上部)-->
+            <form name="page_navi_top" id="page_navi_top" action="?">
+                <!--{if $tpl_linemax > 0}--><!--{$smarty.capture.page_navi_body|smarty:nodefaults}--><!--{/if}-->
+            </form>
+            <!--▲ページナビ(上部)-->
+        <!--{/if}-->
+        <!--{assign var=id value=$arrProduct.product_id}-->
+        <!--{assign var=arrErr value=$arrProduct.arrErr}-->
+        <!--▼商品-->
+        <div class="listarea">
+        <a name="product<!--{$id|escape}-->" />
+            <div class="listphoto">
+                <!--★画像★-->
+                <a href="<!--{$smarty.const.DETAIL_P_HTML}--><!--{$arrProduct.product_id|escape:url}-->" class="over"><!--商品写真--><img src="<!--{$smarty.const.IMAGE_SAVE_URL|sfTrimURL}-->/<!--{$arrProduct.main_list_image|sfNoImageMainList|escape}-->" alt="<!--{$arrProduct.name|escape}-->" class="picture" /></a>
+            </div>
+            <div class="listrightblock">
+                <!--▼商品ステータス-->
+                <!--{if count($productStatus[$id]) > 0}-->
+                    <ul class="status_icon">
+                        <!--{foreach from=$productStatus[$id] item=status}--> 
+                            <li>
+                                <img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}--><!--{$arrSTATUS_IMAGE[$status]}-->" width="60" height="17" alt="<!--{$arrSTATUS[$status]}-->"/>
+                            </li>
+                        <!--{/foreach}-->
+                    </ul>
+                <!--{/if}-->
+                <!--▲商品ステータス-->
+                <!--★商品名★-->
+                <h3>
+                    <a href="<!--{$smarty.const.DETAIL_P_HTML}--><!--{$arrProduct.product_id|escape:url}-->" name="product<!--{$arrProduct.product_id}-->"><!--{$arrProduct.name|escape}--></a>
+                </h3>
+                <!--★コメント★-->
+                <p class="listcomment"><!--{$arrProduct.main_list_comment|escape|nl2br}--></p>
+                <p>
+                    <span class="pricebox sale_price">
+                        <!--{$smarty.const.SALE_PRICE_TITLE}--><span class="mini">(税込)</span>:
+                        <span class="price">
+                            <span id="price02_default_<!--{$id}-->">
+                                <!--{if $arrProduct.price02_min == $arrProduct.price02_max}-->
+                                    <!--{$arrProduct.price02_min|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->
+                                <!--{else}-->
+                                    <!--{$arrProduct.price02_min|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->〜<!--{$arrProduct.price02_max|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->
+                                <!--{/if}-->
+                            </span><span id="price02_dynamic_<!--{$id}-->"></span>
+                            円</span>
+                    </span>
+                    <!--★詳細ボタン★-->
+                    <span class="btnbox">
+                        <!--{assign var=name value="detail`$id`"}-->
+                        <a href="<!--{$smarty.const.DETAIL_P_HTML}--><!--{$arrProduct.product_id|escape:url}-->" onmouseover="chgImg('<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/button/btn_detail_on.gif','<!--{$name}-->');" onmouseout="chgImg('<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/button/btn_detail.gif','<!--{$name}-->');">
+                            <img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/button/btn_detail.gif" width="115" height="25" alt="詳しくはこちら" name="<!--{$name}-->" id="<!--{$name}-->" /></a>
+                    </span>
+                </p>
+                <!--▼買い物かご-->
+                <form name="product_form<!--{$id|escape}-->" action="?" onsubmit="return false;">
+                    <input type="hidden" name="product_id" value="<!--{$id|escape}-->" />
+                    <input type="hidden" name="product_class_id" id="product_class_id<!--{$id|escape}-->" value="<!--{$tpl_product_class_id[$id]}-->" />
+                    <input type="hidden" name="product_type" id="product_type<!--{$id|escape}-->" value="<!--{$tpl_product_type[$id]}-->" />
+                    <div class="in_cart">
+                        <!--{if $tpl_stock_find[$id]}-->
+                            <dl>
+                                <!--{if $tpl_classcat_find1[$id]}-->
+                                    <!--▼規格1-->
+                                    <dt><!--{$tpl_class_name1[$id]|escape}-->:</dt>
+                                    <dd>
+                                        <select name="classcategory_id1"
+                                            style="<!--{$arrErr.classcategory_id1|sfGetErrorColor}-->"
+                                            onchange="fnSetClassCategories(this.form);"
+                                        >
+                                            <!--{html_options options=$arrClassCat1[$id] selected=$arrProduct.classcategory_id1}-->
+                                        </select>
+                                        <!--{if $arrErr.classcategory_id1 != ""}-->
+                                            <br /><span class="attention">※ <!--{$tpl_class_name1[$id]}-->を入力して下さい。</span>
+                                        <!--{/if}-->
+                                    </dd>
+                                    <!--▲規格1-->
+                                <!--{/if}-->
+                                <!--{if $tpl_classcat_find2[$id]}-->
+                                    <!--▼規格2-->
+                                    <dt><!--{$tpl_class_name2[$id]|escape}-->:</dt>
+                                    <dd>
+                                        <select name="classcategory_id2"
+                                            style="<!--{$arrErr.classcategory_id2|sfGetErrorColor}-->"
+                                            onchange="fnCheckStock(this.form);"
+                                        >
+                                        </select>
+                                        <!--{if $arrErr.classcategory_id2 != ""}-->
+                                            <br /><span class="attention">※ <!--{$tpl_class_name2[$id]}-->を入力して下さい。</span>
+                                        <!--{/if}-->
+                                    </dd>
+                                    <!--▲規格2-->
+                                <!--{/if}-->
+                                <dt>数量:</dt>
+                                <dd>
+                                    <input type="text" name="quantity" class="box54" value="<!--{$arrProduct.quantity|default:1|escape}-->" maxlength="<!--{$smarty.const.INT_LEN}-->" style="<!--{$arrErr.quantity|sfGetErrorColor}-->" />
+                                    <!--{if $arrErr.quantity != ""}-->
+                                        <br /><span class="attention"><!--{$arrErr.quantity}--></span>
+                                    <!--{/if}-->
+                                </dd>
+                            </dl>
+                            <div class="cartbtn">
+                                <!--★カゴに入れる★-->
+                                <div id="cartbtn_default_<!--{$id}-->">
+                                    <input
+                                        type="image"
+                                        id="cart<!--{$id}-->"
+                                        src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/button/btn_cartin.gif"
+                                        alt="カゴに入れる"
+                                        onclick="fnInCart(this.form); return false;"
+                                        onmouseover="chgImg('<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/button/btn_cartin_on.gif', this);"
+                                        onmouseout="chgImg('<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/button/btn_cartin.gif', this);"
+                                    />
+                                </div>
+                                <div class="attention" id="cartbtn_dynamic_<!--{$id}-->"></div>
+                            </div>
+                        <!--{else}-->
+                            <div class="cartbtn attention">申し訳ございませんが、只今品切れ中です。</div>
+                        <!--{/if}-->
+                    </div>
+                </form>
+                <!--▲買い物かご-->
+            </div>
+        </div>
+        <!--▲商品-->
+        <!--{if $smarty.foreach.arrProducts.last}-->
+            <!--▼ページナビ(下部)-->
+            <form name="page_navi_bottom" id="page_navi_bottom" action="?">
+                <!--{if $tpl_linemax > 0}--><!--{$smarty.capture.page_navi_body|smarty:nodefaults}--><!--{/if}-->
+            </form>
+            <!--▲ページナビ(下部)-->
+        <!--{/if}-->
+    <!--{foreachelse}-->
+        <!--{include file="frontparts/search_zero.tpl"}-->
+    <!--{/foreach}-->

削除: branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/default/top.tpl
--- branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/default/top.tpl	2010-12-28 06:38:47 UTC (rev 19774)
+++ branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/default/top.tpl	2010-12-28 06:44:53 UTC (rev 19775)
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of EC-CUBE
- *
- * Copyright(c) 2000-2010 LOCKON CO.,LTD. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * http://www.lockon.co.jp/
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
- *}-->
-<div id="flasharea">
-  <img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/picture/img_main.gif" alt="EC-CUBEイメージ" />

コピーによる追加: branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/mobile/index.tpl (コピー元: リビジョン 19773, branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/mobile/top.tpl)
--- branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/mobile/index.tpl	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/mobile/index.tpl	2010-12-28 06:44:53 UTC (rev 19775)
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+ * This file is part of EC-CUBE
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2000-2010 LOCKON CO.,LTD. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * http://www.lockon.co.jp/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+<!-- ▼ロゴ ここから -->
+<center><img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/header/logo.gif"></center>
+<!-- ▲ロゴ ここまで -->
+<!-- ▼新着情報 ここから -->
+<!--{include_php file=`$smarty.const.MOBILE_HTML_PATH`frontparts/bloc/news.php}-->
+<!-- ▲新着情報 ここまで -->
+<!-- ▼ピックアップ商品 ここから -->
+<!--{include_php file=`$smarty.const.MOBILE_HTML_PATH`frontparts/bloc/best5.php}-->
+<!-- ▲ピックアップ商品 ここまで -->
+<!-- ▼メニュー ここから -->
+<!--{include_php file=`$smarty.const.MOBILE_HTML_PATH`frontparts/bloc/category.php}-->
+<a href="products/search.php" accesskey="2"><!--{2|numeric_emoji}-->商品検索</a><br>
+<!--{if $isLogin eq true}-->
+<a href="mypage/refusal.php" accesskey="3"><!--{3|numeric_emoji}-->会員退会</a><br>
+<a href="entry/new.php" accesskey="3"><!--{3|numeric_emoji}-->会員登録</a><br>
+<a href="guide/<!--{$smarty.const.DIR_INDEX_URL}-->" accesskey="4"><!--{4|numeric_emoji}-->ご利用ガイド</a><br>
+<a href="contact/<!--{$smarty.const.DIR_INDEX_URL}-->" accesskey="5"><!--{5|numeric_emoji}-->お問い合せ</a><br>
+<a href="mypage/<!--{$smarty.const.DIR_INDEX_URL}-->" accesskey="6" utn><!--{6|numeric_emoji}-->MYページ</a><br>
+<a href="order/<!--{$smarty.const.DIR_INDEX_URL}-->" accesskey="7"><!--{7|numeric_emoji}-->特定商取引に関する法律に基づく表記</a><br>
+<!-- ▲メニュー ここまで -->
+<!-- ▼フッター ここから -->
+<!--{include file='footer.tpl'}-->
+<!-- ▲フッター ここまで -->

削除: branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/mobile/top.tpl
--- branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/mobile/top.tpl	2010-12-28 06:38:47 UTC (rev 19774)
+++ branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/mobile/top.tpl	2010-12-28 06:44:53 UTC (rev 19775)
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of EC-CUBE
- *
- * Copyright(c) 2000-2010 LOCKON CO.,LTD. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * http://www.lockon.co.jp/
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
- */
-<!-- ▼ロゴ ここから -->
-<center><img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/header/logo.gif"></center>
-<!-- ▲ロゴ ここまで -->
-<!-- ▼新着情報 ここから -->
-<!--{include_php file=`$smarty.const.MOBILE_HTML_PATH`frontparts/bloc/news.php}-->
-<!-- ▲新着情報 ここまで -->
-<!-- ▼ピックアップ商品 ここから -->
-<!--{include_php file=`$smarty.const.MOBILE_HTML_PATH`frontparts/bloc/best5.php}-->
-<!-- ▲ピックアップ商品 ここまで -->
-<!-- ▼メニュー ここから -->
-<!--{include_php file=`$smarty.const.MOBILE_HTML_PATH`frontparts/bloc/category.php}-->
-<a href="products/search.php" accesskey="2"><!--{2|numeric_emoji}-->商品検索</a><br>
-<!--{if $isLogin eq true}-->
-<a href="mypage/refusal.php" accesskey="3"><!--{3|numeric_emoji}-->会員退会</a><br>
-<a href="entry/new.php" accesskey="3"><!--{3|numeric_emoji}-->会員登録</a><br>
-<a href="guide/<!--{$smarty.const.DIR_INDEX_URL}-->" accesskey="4"><!--{4|numeric_emoji}-->ご利用ガイド</a><br>
-<a href="contact/<!--{$smarty.const.DIR_INDEX_URL}-->" accesskey="5"><!--{5|numeric_emoji}-->お問い合せ</a><br>
-<a href="mypage/<!--{$smarty.const.DIR_INDEX_URL}-->" accesskey="6" utn><!--{6|numeric_emoji}-->MYページ</a><br>
-<a href="order/<!--{$smarty.const.DIR_INDEX_URL}-->" accesskey="7"><!--{7|numeric_emoji}-->特定商取引に関する法律に基づく表記</a><br>
-<!-- ▲メニュー ここまで -->
-<!-- ▼フッター ここから -->
-<!--{include file='footer.tpl'}-->
-<!-- ▲フッター ここまで -->

削除: branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/sphone/detail.tpl
--- branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/sphone/detail.tpl	2010-12-28 06:38:47 UTC (rev 19774)
+++ branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/sphone/detail.tpl	2010-12-28 06:44:53 UTC (rev 19775)
@@ -1,526 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of EC-CUBE
- *
- * Copyright(c) 2000-2010 LOCKON CO.,LTD. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * http://www.lockon.co.jp/
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
- *}-->
-<script type="text/javascript" src="<!--{$smarty.const.URL_DIR}-->js/jquery.fancybox/jquery.mousewheel-3.0.4.pack.js"></script>
-<script type="text/javascript" src="<!--{$smarty.const.URL_DIR}-->js/jquery.fancybox/jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.pack.js"></script>
-<link rel="stylesheet" href="<!--{$smarty.const.URL_DIR}-->js/jquery.fancybox/jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
-<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
-// 規格2に選択肢を割り当てる。
-function fnSetClassCategories(form, classcat_id2_selected) {
-    sele1 = form.classcategory_id1;
-    sele2 = form.classcategory_id2;
-    if (sele1) {
-        if (sele2) {
-            // 規格2の選択肢をクリア
-            count = sele2.options.length;
-            for(i = count; i >= 0; i--) {
-                sele2.options[i] = null;
-            }
-            // 規格2に選択肢を割り当てる
-            classcats = classCategories[sele1.value];
-            i = 0;
-            for (var classcat_id2_key in classcats) {
-                sele2.options[i] = new Option(classcats[classcat_id2_key].name, classcat_id2_key);
-                if (classcat_id2_key == classcat_id2_selected) {
-                    sele2.options[i].selected = true;
-                }
-                i++;
-            }
-        }
-        fnCheckStock(form);
-    }
-function fnCheckStock(form) {
-    classcat_id1 = form.classcategory_id1.value;
-    classcat_id2 = form.classcategory_id2 ? form.classcategory_id2.value : 0;
-    classcat2 = classCategories[classcat_id1][classcat_id2];
-    // 商品コード
-    eleDefault = document.getElementById('product_code_default');
-    eleDynamic = document.getElementById('product_code_dynamic');
-    if (
-           classcat2
-        && typeof classcat2.product_code != 'undefined'
-    ) {
-        eleDefault.style.display = 'none';
-        eleDynamic.innerHTML = classcat2.product_code;
-    } else {
-        eleDefault.style.display = '';
-        eleDynamic.innerHTML = '';
-    }
-    // 在庫(品切れ)
-    eleDefault = document.getElementById('cartbtn_default');
-    eleDynamic = document.getElementById('cartbtn_dynamic');
-    if (
-           classcat2
-        && classcat2.stock_find === false
-    ) {
-        eleDefault.style.display = 'none';
-        eleDynamic.innerHTML = '申し訳ございませんが、只今品切れ中です。';
-    } else {
-        eleDefault.style.display = '';
-        eleDynamic.innerHTML = '';
-    }
-    // 通常価格
-    eleDefault = document.getElementById('price01_default');
-    eleDynamic = document.getElementById('price01_dynamic');
-    if (eleDefault && eleDynamic) {
-        if (
-               classcat2
-            && typeof classcat2.price01 != 'undefined'
-            && String(classcat2.price01).length >= 1
-        ) {
-            eleDefault.style.display = 'none';
-            eleDynamic.innerHTML = classcat2.price01;
-        } else {
-            eleDefault.style.display = '';
-            eleDynamic.innerHTML = '';
-        }
-    }
-    // 販売価格
-    eleDefault = document.getElementById('price02_default');
-    eleDynamic = document.getElementById('price02_dynamic');
-    if (
-           classcat2
-        && typeof classcat2.price02 != 'undefined'
-        && String(classcat2.price02).length >= 1
-    ) {
-        eleDefault.style.display = 'none';
-        eleDynamic.innerHTML = classcat2.price02;
-    } else {
-        eleDefault.style.display = '';
-        eleDynamic.innerHTML = '';
-    }
-    // ポイント
-    eleDefault = document.getElementById('point_default');
-    eleDynamic = document.getElementById('point_dynamic');
-    if (
-           classcat2
-        && typeof classcat2.point != 'undefined'
-        && String(classcat2.point).length >= 1
-    ) {
-        eleDefault.style.display = 'none';
-        eleDynamic.innerHTML = classcat2.point;
-    } else {
-        eleDefault.style.display = '';
-        eleDynamic.innerHTML = '';
-    }
-    // 商品規格
-    eleDynamic = document.getElementById('product_class_id');
-    if (
-           classcat2
-        && typeof classcat2.product_class_id != 'undefined'
-        && String(classcat2.product_class_id).length >= 1
-    ) {
-        eleDynamic.value = classcat2.product_class_id;
-    } else {
-        eleDynamic.value = ''
-    }
-    // 商品種別
-    eleDynamic = document.getElementById('product_type');
-    if (
-           classcat2
-        && typeof classcat2.product_type != 'undefined'
-        && String(classcat2.product_type).length >= 1
-    ) {
-        eleDynamic.value = classcat2.product_type;
-    } else {
-        eleDynamic.value = ''
-    }
-$(document).ready(function() {
-    $("a.expansion").fancybox({
-    });
-<div id="undercolumn" class="product product_detail">
-    <!--★タイトル★-->
-    <h2 class="title"><!--{$tpl_subtitle|escape}--></h2>
-    <div id="detailarea">
-        <div id="detailphotoblock">
-            <!--{assign var=key value="main_image"}-->
-            <!--★画像★-->
-            <a
-                <!--{if $arrProduct.main_large_image|strlen >= 1}-->
-                    href="<!--{$smarty.const.IMAGE_SAVE_URL}--><!--{$arrProduct.main_large_image|escape}-->"
-                    class="expansion"
-                    onmouseover="chgImg('<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/products/b_expansion_on.gif','expansion01');"
-                    onmouseout="chgImg('<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/products/b_expansion.gif','expansion01');"
-                    target="_blank"
-                <!--{/if}-->
-            >
-                <img src="<!--{$arrFile[$key].filepath|escape}-->" width="<!--{$arrFile[$key].width}-->" height="<!--{$arrFile[$key].height}-->" alt="<!--{$arrProduct.name|escape}-->" class="picture" /><br />
-                <!--★拡大する★-->
-                <!--{if $arrProduct.main_large_image|strlen >= 1}-->
-                    <img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/products/b_expansion.gif" width="85" height="13" alt="画像を拡大する" name="expansion01" id="expansion01" />
-                <!--{/if}-->
-            </a>
-        </div>
-        <div id="detailrightblock">
-            <!--▼商品ステータス-->
-            <!--{assign var=ps value=$productStatus[$smarty.get.product_id]}-->
-            <!--{if count($ps) > 0}-->
-                <ul class="status_icon">
-                    <!--{foreach from=$ps item=status}-->
-                    <li>
-                        <img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}--><!--{$arrSTATUS_IMAGE[$status]}-->" width="65" height="17" alt="<!--{$arrSTATUS[$status]}-->" id="icon<!--{$status}-->" />
-                    </li>
-                    <!--{/foreach}-->
-                </ul>
-            <!--{/if}-->
-            <!--▲商品ステータス-->
-            <!--★ダウンロード販売★-->
-            <!--{if $arrProduct.down == 2}-->
-                <div><font color="red">本商品はダウンロード販売となります。<br /> 購入後はMYページの購入履歴からダウンロード可能です。</font></div><br />
-            <!--{/if}-->
-            <table>
-                <tr>
-                    <th colspan="2">
-                        <!--★商品名★-->
-                        <h2><!--{$arrProduct.name|escape}--></h2>
-                    </th>
-                </tr>
-                <tr>
-                    <th>
-                        <!--★販売価格★-->
-                        <div class="sale_price"><!--{$smarty.const.SALE_PRICE_TITLE}--><span class="mini">(税込)</span></div>
-                    </th>
-                    <td>
-                        <span class="price">
-                            <span id="price02_default">
-                                <!--{if $arrProduct.price02_min == $arrProduct.price02_max}-->
-                                    <!--{$arrProduct.price02_min|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->
-                                <!--{else}-->
-                                    <!--{$arrProduct.price02_min|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->〜<!--{$arrProduct.price02_max|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->
-                                <!--{/if}-->
-                            </span><span id="price02_dynamic"></span>
-                            円
-                        </span>
-                    </td>
-                </tr>
-                <!--★通常価格★-->
-                <!--{if $arrProduct.price01_max > 0}-->
-                <tr>
-                    <th>
-                        <div class="normal_price">
-                        <!--{$smarty.const.NORMAL_PRICE_TITLE}-->:
-                        </div>
-                    </th>
-                    <td>
-                        <span class="price">
-                            <span id="price01_default">
-                                <!--{if $arrProduct.price01_min == $arrProduct.price01_max}-->
-                                    <!--{$arrProduct.price01_min|number_format}-->
-                                <!--{else}-->
-                                    <!--{$arrProduct.price01_min|number_format}-->〜<!--{$arrProduct.price01_max|number_format}-->
-                                <!--{/if}-->
-                            </span><span id="price01_dynamic"></span>
-                            円
-                        </span>
-                    </td>
-                </tr>    
-                <!--{/if}-->
-                <!--★ポイント★-->
-                <!--{if $smarty.const.USE_POINT !== false}-->
-                <tr>
-                    <th>
-                        <span class="price">ポイント:</span>
-                    </th>
-                    <td>
-                        <span id="point_default">
-                            <!--{if $arrProduct.price02_min == $arrProduct.price02_max}-->
-                                <!--{$arrProduct.price02_min|sfPrePoint:$arrProduct.point_rate:$smarty.const.POINT_RULE:$arrProduct.product_id}-->
-                            <!--{else}-->
-                                <!--{if $arrProduct.price02_min|sfPrePoint:$arrProduct.point_rate:$smarty.const.POINT_RULE:$arrProduct.product_id == $arrProduct.price02_max|sfPrePoint:$arrProduct.point_rate:$smarty.const.POINT_RULE:$arrProduct.product_id}-->
-                                    <!--{$arrProduct.price02_min|sfPrePoint:$arrProduct.point_rate:$smarty.const.POINT_RULE:$arrProduct.product_id}-->
-                                <!--{else}-->
-                                    <!--{$arrProduct.price02_min|sfPrePoint:$arrProduct.point_rate:$smarty.const.POINT_RULE:$arrProduct.product_id}-->〜<!--{$arrProduct.price02_max|sfPrePoint:$arrProduct.point_rate:$smarty.const.POINT_RULE:$arrProduct.product_id}-->
-                                <!--{/if}-->
-                            <!--{/if}-->
-                            </span><span id="point_dynamic">
-                            Pt
-                        </span>
-                    </td>
-                </tr>
-                <!--{/if}-->
-                <!--▼メーカーURL-->
-                <!--{if $arrProduct.comment1|strlen >= 1}-->
-                <tr>
-                    <th>
-                        <span class="comment1">メーカーURL:
-                    </th>
-                    <td>
-                            <a href="<!--{$arrProduct.comment1|escape}-->">
-                                <!--{$arrProduct.comment1|escape}--></a>
-                    </td>
-                </tr>
-                <!--{/if}-->
-                <!--▲メーカーURL-->
-                <!--★関連カテゴリ★-->
-                <tr>
-                    <th>
-                        <div class="relative_cat">関連カテゴリ:</div>
-                    </th>
-                    <td>
-                        <!--{section name=r loop=$arrRelativeCat}-->
-                        <p>
-                            <!--{section name=s loop=$arrRelativeCat[r]}-->
-                            <a href="<!--{$smarty.const.SMARTPHONE_URL_DIR}-->products/list.php?category_id=<!--{$arrRelativeCat[r][s].category_id}-->"><!--{$arrRelativeCat[r][s].category_name}--></a>
-                            <!--{if !$smarty.section.s.last}--><!--{$smarty.const.SEPA_CATNAVI}--><!--{/if}-->
-                            <!--{/section}-->
-                        </p>
-                        <!--{/section}-->
-                    </td>
-                </tr>
-                <tr>
-                    <td colspan="2">
-                            <!--★詳細メインコメント★-->
-                            <div class="main_comment"><!--{$arrProduct.main_comment|nl2br_html}--></div>
-                    </td>
-                </tr>
-            </table>
-            <!--▼買い物かご-->
-            <form name="form1" id="form1" method="post" action="?">
-                <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="cart" />
-                <input type="hidden" name="product_id" value="<!--{$tpl_product_id}-->" />
-                <input type="hidden" name="product_class_id" value="<!--{$tpl_product_class_id}-->" id="product_class_id" />
-                <input type="hidden" name="product_type" value="<!--{$tpl_product_type}-->" id="product_type" />
-                <input type="hidden" name="favorite_product_id" value="" />
-                <!--{if $tpl_stock_find}-->
-                    <dl>
-                        <!--{if $tpl_classcat_find1}-->
-                            <!--▼規格1-->
-                            <dt><!--{$tpl_class_name1|escape}--></dt>
-                            <dd>
-                                <select name="classcategory_id1"
-                                    style="<!--{$arrErr.classcategory_id1|sfGetErrorColor}-->"
-                                    onchange="fnSetClassCategories(this.form);"
-                                >
-                                    <!--{html_options options=$arrClassCat1 selected=$arrForm.classcategory_id1.value}-->
-                                </select>
-                                <!--{if $arrErr.classcategory_id1 != ""}-->
-                                    <br /><span class="attention">※ <!--{$tpl_class_name1}-->を入力して下さい。</span>
-                                <!--{/if}-->
-                            </dd>
-                            <!--▲規格1-->
-                        <!--{/if}-->
-                        <!--{if $tpl_classcat_find2}-->
-                            <!--▼規格2-->
-                            <dt><!--{$tpl_class_name2|escape}--></dt>
-                            <dd>
-                                <select name="classcategory_id2"
-                                    style="<!--{$arrErr.classcategory_id2|sfGetErrorColor}-->"
-                                    onchange="fnCheckStock(this.form);"
-                                >
-                                </select>
-                                <!--{if $arrErr.classcategory_id2 != ""}-->
-                                    <br /><span class="attention">※ <!--{$tpl_class_name2}-->を入力して下さい。</span>
-                                <!--{/if}-->
-                            </dd>
-                            <!--▲規格2-->
-                        <!--{/if}-->
-                        <dt>数量</dt>
-                        <dd>
-                            <input type="text" name="quantity" class="box54" value="<!--{$arrForm.quantity.value|default:1}-->" maxlength="<!--{$smarty.const.INT_LEN}-->" style="<!--{$arrErr.quantity|sfGetErrorColor}-->" />
-                            <!--{if $arrErr.quantity != ""}-->
-                                <br /><span class="attention"><!--{$arrErr.quantity}--></span>
-                            <!--{/if}-->
-                        </dd>
-                    </dl>
-                <!--{/if}-->
-                <div class="btn">
-                    <!--{if $smarty.const.OPTION_FAVOFITE_PRODUCT == 1 && $tpl_login === true}-->
-                        <div>
-                            <!--{assign var=add_favorite value="add_favorite`$product_id`"}-->
-                            <!--{if $arrErr[$add_favorite]}--><div class="attention"><!--{$arrErr[$add_favorite]}--></div><!--{/if}-->
-                            <!--{if !$arrProduct.favorite_count}-->
-                                <a
-                                    href="javascript:fnModeSubmit('add_favorite','favorite_product_id','<!--{$arrProduct.product_id|escape}-->');"
-                                    onmouseover="chgImg('<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/products/add_favolite_product_on.gif','add_favolite_product');"
-                                    onmouseout="chgImg('<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/products/add_favolite_product.gif','add_favolite_product');"
-                                ><img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/products/add_favolite_product.gif" width="115" height="20" alt="お気に入りに追加" name="add_favolite_product" id="add_favolite_product" /></a>
-                            <!--{else}-->
-                                <img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/products/add_favolite_product_on.gif" width="115" height="20" alt="お気に入り登録済" name="add_favolite_product" id="add_favolite_product" />
-                            <!--{/if}-->
-                        </div>
-                    <!--{/if}-->
-                    <!--{if $tpl_stock_find}-->
-                        <div id="cartbtn_default">
-                            <!--★カゴに入れる★-->
-                            <div>
-                                <a href="javascript:void(document.form1.submit())" onmouseover="chgImg('<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/products/b_cartin_on.gif','cart');" onmouseout="chgImg('<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/products/b_cartin.gif','cart');" class="spbtn spbtn-agree">
-                                    カゴに入れる
-                                </a>
-                            </div>
-                            <!--{if 'sfGMODetailDisplay'|function_exists}--><!--{* GMOワンクリック *}-->
-                                <!--{'sfGMODetailDisplay'|call_user_func}-->
-                            <!--{/if}-->
-                        </div>
-                        <div class="attention" id="cartbtn_dynamic"></div>
-                    <!--{else}-->
-                        <div class="attention">申し訳ございませんが、只今品切れ中です。</div>
-                    <!--{/if}-->
-                </div>
-            </form>
-            <!--▲買い物かご-->
-        </div>
-    </div>
-    <!--{* オペビルダー用 *}-->
-    <!--{if "sfViewDetailOpe"|function_exists === TRUE}-->
-        <!--{include file=`$smarty.const.MODULE_PATH`mdl_opebuilder/detail_ope_view.tpl}-->
-    <!--{/if}-->
-    <!--詳細ここまで-->
-    <!--▼サブコメント-->
-    <!--{section name=cnt loop=$smarty.const.PRODUCTSUB_MAX}-->
-        <!--{assign var=key value="sub_title`$smarty.section.cnt.index+1`"}-->
-        <!--{if $arrProduct[$key] != ""}-->
-            <div class="subarea">
-                <h3><!--★サブタイトル★--><!--{$arrProduct[$key]|escape}--></h3>
-                <!--{assign var=ckey value="sub_comment`$smarty.section.cnt.index+1`"}-->
-                <div class="subtext"><!--★サブテキスト★--><!--{$arrProduct[$ckey]|nl2br_html}--></div>
-                <!--▼サブ画像-->
-                <!--{assign var=key value="sub_image`$smarty.section.cnt.index+1`"}-->
-                <!--{assign var=lkey value="sub_large_image`$smarty.section.cnt.index+1`"}-->
-                <!--{if $arrProduct[$key]|strlen >= 1}-->
-                    <div class="subphotoimg">
-                        <a
-                            <!--{if $arrProduct[$lkey]|strlen >= 1}-->
-                                href="<!--{$smarty.const.IMAGE_SAVE_URL}--><!--{$arrProduct[$lkey]|escape}-->"
-                                class="expansion"
-                                onmouseover="chgImg('<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/products/b_expansion_on.gif', 'expansion_<!--{$lkey|escape}-->');"
-                                onmouseout="chgImg('<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/products/b_expansion.gif', 'expansion_<!--{$lkey|escape}-->');"
-                                target="_blank"
-                            <!--{/if}-->
-                        >
-                            <img src="<!--{$arrFile[$key].filepath}-->" alt="<!--{$arrProduct.name|escape}-->" width="<!--{$arrFile[$key].width}-->" height="<!--{$arrFile[$key].height}-->" /><br />
-                            <!--{if $arrProduct[$lkey]|strlen >= 1}-->
-                                <img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/products/b_expansion.gif" width="85" height="13" alt="画像を拡大する" id="expansion_<!--{$lkey|escape}-->" />
-                            <!--{/if}-->
-                        </a>
-                    </div>
-                <!--{/if}-->
-                <!--▲サブ画像-->
-            </div>
-        <!--{/if}-->
-    <!--{/section}-->
-    <!--▲サブコメント-->
-    <!--▼関連商品-->
-    <!--{if $arrRecommend}-->
-        <div id="whoboughtarea">
-            <h2>その他のオススメ商品(関連商品)</h2>
-            <div class="whoboughtblock">
-            <!--{section name=cnt loop=$arrRecommend}-->
-                <!--{if ($smarty.section.cnt.index % 2) == 0}-->
-                <!--{if $arrRecommend[cnt].product_id}-->
-                <!-- 左列 -->
-                <div class="whoboughtleft">
-                    <a href="<!--{$smarty.const.DETAIL_P_HTML}--><!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].product_id|escape:url}-->">
-                        <img src="<!--{$smarty.const.URL_DIR}-->resize_image.php?image=<!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].main_list_image|sfNoImageMainList|escape}-->&amp;width=65&amp;height=65" alt="<!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].name|escape}-->" /></a>
-                    <div class="whoboughtrightblock">
-                        <!--{assign var=price02_min value=`$arrRecommend[cnt].price02_min`}-->
-                        <!--{assign var=price02_max value=`$arrRecommend[cnt].price02_max`}-->
-                        <h3><a href="<!--{$smarty.const.DETAIL_P_HTML}--><!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].product_id|escape:url}-->"><!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].name|escape}--></a></h3>
-                        <p class="sale_price"><!--{$smarty.const.SALE_PRICE_TITLE}--><span class="mini">(税込)</span>:<span class="price">
-                            <!--{if $price02_min == $price02_max}-->
-                                <!--{$price02_min|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->
-                            <!--{else}-->
-                                <!--{$price02_min|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->〜<!--{$price02_max|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->
-                            <!--{/if}-->円</span></p>
-                        <p class="mini"><!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].comment|escape|nl2br}--></p>
-                    </div>
-                </div>
-                <!-- 左列 -->
-                <!--{/if}-->
-                <!--{/if}-->
-                <!--{if ($smarty.section.cnt.index % 2) != 0}-->
-                <!--{* assign var=nextCnt value=$smarty.section.cnt.index+1 *}-->
-                <!--{if $arrRecommend[cnt].product_id}-->
-                <!-- 右列 -->
-                <div class="whoboughtright">
-                    <a href="<!--{$smarty.const.DETAIL_P_HTML}--><!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].product_id|escape:url}-->">
-                        <img src="<!--{$smarty.const.URL_DIR}-->resize_image.php?image=<!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].main_list_image|sfNoImageMainList|escape}-->&amp;width=65&amp;height=65" alt="<!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].name|escape}-->" /></a>
-                    <div class="whoboughtrightblock">
-                        <!--{assign var=price02_min value=`$arrRecommend[cnt].price02_min`}-->
-                        <!--{assign var=price02_max value=`$arrRecommend[cnt].price02_max`}-->
-                        <h3><a href="<!--{$smarty.const.DETAIL_P_HTML}--><!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].product_id|escape:url}-->"><!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].name|escape}--></a></h3>
-                        <p class="sale_price"><!--{$smarty.const.SALE_PRICE_TITLE}--><span class="mini">(税込)</span>:<span class="price">
-                            <!--{if $price02_min == $price02_max}-->
-                                <!--{$price02_min|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->
-                            <!--{else}-->
-                                <!--{$price02_min|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->〜<!--{$price02_max|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->
-                            <!--{/if}-->円</span></p>
-                        <p class="mini"><!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].comment|escape|nl2br}--></p>
-                    </div>
-                </div>
-                <!-- 右列 -->
-            <!--{/if}-->
-            <!--{/if}-->
-            <!--{if $smarty.section.cnt.last}-->
-            </div>
-            <!--{/if}-->
-        <!--{/section}-->
-        </div>
-    <!--{/if}-->
-    <!--▲関連商品-->

コピーによる追加: branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/sphone/index.tpl (コピー元: リビジョン 19773, branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/sphone/top.tpl)
--- branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/sphone/index.tpl	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/sphone/index.tpl	2010-12-28 06:44:53 UTC (rev 19775)
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ * This file is part of EC-CUBE
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2000-2010 LOCKON CO.,LTD. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * http://www.lockon.co.jp/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+ *}-->
+<div id="topbox">
+<!--{* ▼ロゴ ここから *}-->
+<div id="header">
+    <a href="<!--{$smarty.const.SMARTPHONE_SSL_URL}-->">
+      <em><!--{$arrSiteInfo.shop_name|escape}-->/<!--{$tpl_title|escape}--></em></a>
+  </h1>
+<!--{* ▲ロゴ ここまで *}-->
+<!--{* ヘッダメニュー *}-->
+<div id="headmenu">
+<!--{* 検索 *}-->
+<div id="searchbar">
+<form method="get" action="<!--{$smarty.const.SMARTPHONE_SITE_URL}-->products/list.php">
+<input type="text" name="name" maxlength="50" value="<!--{$smarty.get.name|escape}-->" placeholder="商品検索" ><input type="submit" name="search" value="検索">
+<!--{* searchmenu *}--></div>
+<!--{* headmenu *}--></div>
+<!--{* topbox *}--></div>
+<!--{* 新着情報 *}-->
+<!--{include_php file=`$smarty.const.SMARTPHONE_HTML_PATH`/frontparts/bloc/news.php}-->
+<!--{* ログイン *}-->
+<!--{include_php file=`$smarty.const.SMARTPHONE_HTML_PATH`/frontparts/bloc/login.php}-->
+<!--{* おすすめ商品 *}-->
+<!--{include_php file=`$smarty.const.SMARTPHONE_HTML_PATH`/frontparts/bloc/best5.php}-->
+<!-- ▼メニュー ここから -->
+<!--{include_php file=`$smarty.const.SMARTPHONE_HTML_PATH`/frontparts/bloc/category.php}-->

削除: branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/sphone/list.tpl
--- branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/sphone/list.tpl	2010-12-28 06:38:47 UTC (rev 19774)
+++ branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/sphone/list.tpl	2010-12-28 06:44:53 UTC (rev 19775)
@@ -1,286 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of EC-CUBE
- *
- * Copyright(c) 2000-2010 LOCKON CO.,LTD. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * http://www.lockon.co.jp/
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
- *}-->
-<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
-// 規格2に選択肢を割り当てる。
-function fnSetClassCategories(form, classcat_id2_selected) {
-    sele1 = form.classcategory_id1;
-    sele2 = form.classcategory_id2;
-    product_id = form.product_id.value;
-    if (sele1) {
-        if (sele2) {
-            // 規格2の選択肢をクリア
-            count = sele2.options.length;
-            for(i = count; i >= 0; i--) {
-                sele2.options[i] = null;
-            }
-            // 規格2に選択肢を割り当てる
-            classcats = productsClassCategories[product_id][sele1.value];
-            i = 0;
-            for (var classcat_id2_key in classcats) {
-                sele2.options[i] = new Option(classcats[classcat_id2_key].name, classcat_id2_key);
-                if (classcat_id2_key == classcat_id2_selected) {
-                    sele2.options[i].selected = true;
-                }
-                i++;
-            }
-        }
-        fnCheckStock(form);
-    }
-// 並び順を変更
-function fnChangeOrderby(orderby) {
-    fnSetVal('orderby', orderby);
-    fnSetVal('pageno', 1);
-    fnSubmit();
-// 表示件数を変更
-function fnChangeDispNumber(dispNumber) {
-    fnSetVal('disp_number', dispNumber);
-    fnSetVal('pageno', 1);
-    fnSubmit();
-// カゴに入れる
-function fnInCart(productForm) {
-    var product_id = productForm["product_id"].value;
-    fnChangeAction("?#product" + product_id);
-    if (productForm["classcategory_id1"]) {
-        fnSetVal("classcategory_id1", productForm["classcategory_id1"].value);
-    }
-    if (productForm["classcategory_id2"]) {
-        fnSetVal("classcategory_id2", productForm["classcategory_id2"].value);
-    }
-    fnSetVal("quantity", productForm["quantity"].value);
-    fnSetVal("product_id", productForm["product_id"].value);
-    fnSetVal("product_class_id", productForm["product_class_id"].value);
-    fnSetVal("product_type", productForm["product_type"].value);
-    fnSubmit();
-function fnCheckStock(form) {
-    product_id = form.product_id.value;
-    classcat_id1 = form.classcategory_id1.value;
-    classcat_id2 = form.classcategory_id2 ? form.classcategory_id2.value : 0;
-    classcat2 = productsClassCategories[product_id][classcat_id1][classcat_id2];
-    // 在庫(品切れ)
-    eleDefault = document.getElementById('cartbtn_default_' + product_id);
-    eleDynamic = document.getElementById('cartbtn_dynamic_' + product_id);
-    if (
-           classcat2
-        && classcat2.stock_find === false
-    ) {
-        eleDefault.style.display = 'none';
-        eleDynamic.innerHTML = '申し訳ございませんが、只今品切れ中です。';
-    } else {
-        eleDefault.style.display = '';
-        eleDynamic.innerHTML = '';
-    }
-    // 販売価格
-    eleDefault = document.getElementById('price02_default_' + product_id);
-    eleDynamic = document.getElementById('price02_dynamic_' + product_id);
-    if (
-           classcat2
-        && typeof classcat2.price02 != 'undefined'
-        && String(classcat2.price02).length >= 1
-    ) {
-        eleDefault.style.display = 'none';
-        eleDynamic.innerHTML = classcat2.price02;
-    } else {
-        eleDefault.style.display = '';
-        eleDynamic.innerHTML = '';
-    }
-    // 商品規格
-    eleDynamic = document.getElementById('product_class_id' + product_id);
-    if (
-           classcat2
-        && typeof classcat2.product_class_id != 'undefined'
-        && String(classcat2.product_class_id).length >= 1
-    ) {
-        eleDynamic.value = classcat2.product_class_id;
-    } else {
-        eleDynamic.value = ''
-    }
-    // 商品種別
-    eleDynamic = document.getElementById('product_type' + product_id);
-    if (
-           classcat2
-        && typeof classcat2.product_type != 'undefined'
-        && String(classcat2.product_type).length >= 1
-    ) {
-        eleDynamic.value = classcat2.product_type;
-    } else {
-        eleDynamic.value = ''
-    }
-<div id="undercolumn" class="product product_list">
-    <form name="form1" id="form1" method="get" action="?">
-        <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="<!--{$mode|escape}-->" />
-        <!--{* ▼検索条件 *}-->
-        <input type="hidden" name="category_id" value="<!--{$arrSearchData.category_id|escape}-->" />
-        <input type="hidden" name="maker_id" value="<!--{$arrSearchData.maker_id|escape}-->" />
-        <input type="hidden" name="name" value="<!--{$arrSearchData.name|escape}-->" />
-        <!--{* ▲検索条件 *}-->
-        <!--{* ▼ページナビ関連 *}-->
-        <input type="hidden" name="orderby" value="<!--{$orderby|escape}-->" />
-        <input type="hidden" name="disp_number" value="<!--{$disp_number|escape}-->" />
-        <input type="hidden" name="pageno" value="<!--{$tpl_pageno|escape}-->" />
-        <!--{* ▲ページナビ関連 *}-->
-        <!--{* ▼注文関連 *}-->
-        <input type="hidden" name="product_id" value="" />
-        <input type="hidden" name="classcategory_id1" value="" />
-        <input type="hidden" name="classcategory_id2" value="" />
-        <input type="hidden" name="product_class_id" value="" />
-        <input type="hidden" name="product_type" value="" />
-        <input type="hidden" name="quantity" value="" />
-        <!--{* ▲注文関連 *}-->
-        <input type="hidden" name="rnd" value="<!--{$tpl_rnd|escape}-->" />
-    </form>
-    <!--★タイトル★-->
-    <h2 class="title"><!--{$tpl_subtitle|escape}--></h2>
-    <!--▼検索条件-->
-    <!--{if $tpl_subtitle == "検索結果"}-->
-        <ul class="pagecondarea">
-            <li><strong>商品カテゴリ:</strong><!--{$arrSearch.category|escape}--></li>
-        <!--{if $arrSearch.maker|strlen >= 1}--><li><strong>メーカー:</strong><!--{$arrSearch.maker|escape}--></li><!--{/if}-->
-            <li><strong>商品名:</strong><!--{$arrSearch.name|escape}--></li>
-        </ul>
-    <!--{/if}-->
-    <!--▲検索条件-->
-    <!--▼ページナビ(本文)-->
-    <!--{capture name=page_navi_body}-->
-        <div class="pagenumberarea">
-            <div class="change">
-                <!--{if $orderby != 'price'}-->
-                    <a href="javascript:fnChangeOrderby('price');">価格順</a>
-                <!--{else}-->
-                    <strong>価格順</strong>
-                <!--{/if}-->
-                <!--{if $orderby != "date"}-->
-                        <a href="javascript:fnChangeOrderby('date');">新着順</a>
-                <!--{else}-->
-                    <strong>新着順</strong>
-                <!--{/if}-->
-            </div>
-            <div class="navi"><!--{$tpl_strnavi}--></div>
-        </div>
-    <!--{/capture}-->
-    <!--▲ページナビ(本文)-->
-    <!--{foreach from=$arrProducts item=arrProduct name=arrProducts}-->
-        <!--{if $smarty.foreach.arrProducts.first}-->
-            <!--▼件数-->
-            <div>
-                <span class="pagenumber"><!--{$tpl_linemax}--></span>件の商品
-                <select name="disp_number" onchange="javascript:fnChangeDispNumber(this.value);">
-                    <!--{foreach from=$arrPRODUCTLISTMAX item="dispnum" key="num"}-->
-                        <!--{if $num == $disp_number}-->
-                        <option value="<!--{$num}-->" selected="selected" ><!--{$dispnum}--></option>
-                        <!--{else}-->
-                        <option value="<!--{$num}-->" ><!--{$dispnum}--></option>
-                        <!--{/if}-->
-                    <!--{/foreach}-->
-                </select>
-            </div>
-            <!--▲件数-->
-            <!--▼ページナビ(上部)-->
-            <form name="page_navi_top" id="page_navi_top" action="?">
-                <!--{if $tpl_linemax > 0}--><!--{$smarty.capture.page_navi_body|smarty:nodefaults}--><!--{/if}-->
-            </form>
-            <!--▲ページナビ(上部)-->
-        <!--{/if}-->
-        <!--{assign var=id value=$arrProduct.product_id}-->
-        <!--{assign var=arrErr value=$arrProduct.arrErr}-->
-        <!--▼商品-->
-        <div class="listarea">
-        <a name="product<!--{$id|escape}-->" />
-            <div class="listphoto">
-                <!--★画像★-->
-                <a href="<!--{$smarty.const.DETAIL_P_HTML}--><!--{$arrProduct.product_id|escape:url}-->" class="over"><!--商品写真--><img src="<!--{$smarty.const.IMAGE_SAVE_URL|sfTrimURL}-->/<!--{$arrProduct.main_list_image|sfNoImageMainList|escape}-->" alt="<!--{$arrProduct.name|escape}-->" class="picture" /></a>
-            </div>
-            <div class="listrightblock">
-                <!--▼商品ステータス-->
-                <!--{if count($productStatus[$id]) > 0}-->
-                    <ul class="status_icon">
-                        <!--{foreach from=$productStatus[$id] item=status}--> 
-                            <li>
-                                <img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}--><!--{$arrSTATUS_IMAGE[$status]}-->" width="65" height="17" alt="<!--{$arrSTATUS[$status]}-->"/>
-                            </li>
-                        <!--{/foreach}-->
-                    </ul>
-                <!--{/if}-->
-                <!--▲商品ステータス-->
-                <!--★商品名★-->
-                <h3>
-                    <a href="<!--{$smarty.const.DETAIL_P_HTML}--><!--{$arrProduct.product_id|escape:url}-->" name="product<!--{$arrProduct.product_id}-->"><!--{$arrProduct.name|escape}--></a>
-                </h3>
-                <!--★コメント★-->
-                <p class="listcomment"><!--{$arrProduct.main_list_comment|escape|nl2br}--></p>
-                <p>
-                    <span class="pricebox sale_price">
-                        <span class="mini">税込</span>:
-                        <span class="price">
-                            <span id="price02_default_<!--{$id}-->">
-                                <!--{if $arrProduct.price02_min == $arrProduct.price02_max}-->
-                                    <!--{$arrProduct.price02_min|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->
-                                <!--{else}-->
-                                    <!--{$arrProduct.price02_min|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->〜<!--{$arrProduct.price02_max|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->
-                                <!--{/if}-->
-                            </span><span id="price02_dynamic_<!--{$id}-->"></span>
-                            円</span>
-                    </span>
-                </p>
-            </div>
-        </div>
-        <!--▲商品-->
-        <!--{if $smarty.foreach.arrProducts.last}-->
-            <!--▼ページナビ(下部)-->
-            <form name="page_navi_bottom" id="page_navi_bottom" action="?">
-                <!--{if $tpl_linemax > 0}--><!--{$smarty.capture.page_navi_body|smarty:nodefaults}--><!--{/if}-->
-            </form>
-            <!--▲ページナビ(下部)-->
-        <!--{/if}-->
-    <!--{foreachelse}-->
-        <!--{include file="frontparts/search_zero.tpl"}-->
-    <!--{/foreach}-->

コピーによる追加: branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/sphone/products/detail.tpl (コピー元: リビジョン 19773, branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/sphone/detail.tpl)
--- branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/sphone/products/detail.tpl	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/sphone/products/detail.tpl	2010-12-28 06:44:53 UTC (rev 19775)
@@ -0,0 +1,526 @@
+ * This file is part of EC-CUBE
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2000-2010 LOCKON CO.,LTD. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * http://www.lockon.co.jp/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+ *}-->
+<script type="text/javascript" src="<!--{$smarty.const.URL_DIR}-->js/jquery.fancybox/jquery.mousewheel-3.0.4.pack.js"></script>
+<script type="text/javascript" src="<!--{$smarty.const.URL_DIR}-->js/jquery.fancybox/jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.pack.js"></script>
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="<!--{$smarty.const.URL_DIR}-->js/jquery.fancybox/jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
+<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
+// 規格2に選択肢を割り当てる。
+function fnSetClassCategories(form, classcat_id2_selected) {
+    sele1 = form.classcategory_id1;
+    sele2 = form.classcategory_id2;
+    if (sele1) {
+        if (sele2) {
+            // 規格2の選択肢をクリア
+            count = sele2.options.length;
+            for(i = count; i >= 0; i--) {
+                sele2.options[i] = null;
+            }
+            // 規格2に選択肢を割り当てる
+            classcats = classCategories[sele1.value];
+            i = 0;
+            for (var classcat_id2_key in classcats) {
+                sele2.options[i] = new Option(classcats[classcat_id2_key].name, classcat_id2_key);
+                if (classcat_id2_key == classcat_id2_selected) {
+                    sele2.options[i].selected = true;
+                }
+                i++;
+            }
+        }
+        fnCheckStock(form);
+    }
+function fnCheckStock(form) {
+    classcat_id1 = form.classcategory_id1.value;
+    classcat_id2 = form.classcategory_id2 ? form.classcategory_id2.value : 0;
+    classcat2 = classCategories[classcat_id1][classcat_id2];
+    // 商品コード
+    eleDefault = document.getElementById('product_code_default');
+    eleDynamic = document.getElementById('product_code_dynamic');
+    if (
+           classcat2
+        && typeof classcat2.product_code != 'undefined'
+    ) {
+        eleDefault.style.display = 'none';
+        eleDynamic.innerHTML = classcat2.product_code;
+    } else {
+        eleDefault.style.display = '';
+        eleDynamic.innerHTML = '';
+    }
+    // 在庫(品切れ)
+    eleDefault = document.getElementById('cartbtn_default');
+    eleDynamic = document.getElementById('cartbtn_dynamic');
+    if (
+           classcat2
+        && classcat2.stock_find === false
+    ) {
+        eleDefault.style.display = 'none';
+        eleDynamic.innerHTML = '申し訳ございませんが、只今品切れ中です。';
+    } else {
+        eleDefault.style.display = '';
+        eleDynamic.innerHTML = '';
+    }
+    // 通常価格
+    eleDefault = document.getElementById('price01_default');
+    eleDynamic = document.getElementById('price01_dynamic');
+    if (eleDefault && eleDynamic) {
+        if (
+               classcat2
+            && typeof classcat2.price01 != 'undefined'
+            && String(classcat2.price01).length >= 1
+        ) {
+            eleDefault.style.display = 'none';
+            eleDynamic.innerHTML = classcat2.price01;
+        } else {
+            eleDefault.style.display = '';
+            eleDynamic.innerHTML = '';
+        }
+    }
+    // 販売価格
+    eleDefault = document.getElementById('price02_default');
+    eleDynamic = document.getElementById('price02_dynamic');
+    if (
+           classcat2
+        && typeof classcat2.price02 != 'undefined'
+        && String(classcat2.price02).length >= 1
+    ) {
+        eleDefault.style.display = 'none';
+        eleDynamic.innerHTML = classcat2.price02;
+    } else {
+        eleDefault.style.display = '';
+        eleDynamic.innerHTML = '';
+    }
+    // ポイント
+    eleDefault = document.getElementById('point_default');
+    eleDynamic = document.getElementById('point_dynamic');
+    if (
+           classcat2
+        && typeof classcat2.point != 'undefined'
+        && String(classcat2.point).length >= 1
+    ) {
+        eleDefault.style.display = 'none';
+        eleDynamic.innerHTML = classcat2.point;
+    } else {
+        eleDefault.style.display = '';
+        eleDynamic.innerHTML = '';
+    }
+    // 商品規格
+    eleDynamic = document.getElementById('product_class_id');
+    if (
+           classcat2
+        && typeof classcat2.product_class_id != 'undefined'
+        && String(classcat2.product_class_id).length >= 1
+    ) {
+        eleDynamic.value = classcat2.product_class_id;
+    } else {
+        eleDynamic.value = ''
+    }
+    // 商品種別
+    eleDynamic = document.getElementById('product_type');
+    if (
+           classcat2
+        && typeof classcat2.product_type != 'undefined'
+        && String(classcat2.product_type).length >= 1
+    ) {
+        eleDynamic.value = classcat2.product_type;
+    } else {
+        eleDynamic.value = ''
+    }
+$(document).ready(function() {
+    $("a.expansion").fancybox({
+    });
+<div id="undercolumn" class="product product_detail">
+    <!--★タイトル★-->
+    <h2 class="title"><!--{$tpl_subtitle|escape}--></h2>
+    <div id="detailarea">
+        <div id="detailphotoblock">
+            <!--{assign var=key value="main_image"}-->
+            <!--★画像★-->
+            <a
+                <!--{if $arrProduct.main_large_image|strlen >= 1}-->
+                    href="<!--{$smarty.const.IMAGE_SAVE_URL}--><!--{$arrProduct.main_large_image|escape}-->"
+                    class="expansion"
+                    onmouseover="chgImg('<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/products/b_expansion_on.gif','expansion01');"
+                    onmouseout="chgImg('<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/products/b_expansion.gif','expansion01');"
+                    target="_blank"
+                <!--{/if}-->
+            >
+                <img src="<!--{$arrFile[$key].filepath|escape}-->" width="<!--{$arrFile[$key].width}-->" height="<!--{$arrFile[$key].height}-->" alt="<!--{$arrProduct.name|escape}-->" class="picture" /><br />
+                <!--★拡大する★-->
+                <!--{if $arrProduct.main_large_image|strlen >= 1}-->
+                    <img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/products/b_expansion.gif" width="85" height="13" alt="画像を拡大する" name="expansion01" id="expansion01" />
+                <!--{/if}-->
+            </a>
+        </div>
+        <div id="detailrightblock">
+            <!--▼商品ステータス-->
+            <!--{assign var=ps value=$productStatus[$smarty.get.product_id]}-->
+            <!--{if count($ps) > 0}-->
+                <ul class="status_icon">
+                    <!--{foreach from=$ps item=status}-->
+                    <li>
+                        <img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}--><!--{$arrSTATUS_IMAGE[$status]}-->" width="65" height="17" alt="<!--{$arrSTATUS[$status]}-->" id="icon<!--{$status}-->" />
+                    </li>
+                    <!--{/foreach}-->
+                </ul>
+            <!--{/if}-->
+            <!--▲商品ステータス-->
+            <!--★ダウンロード販売★-->
+            <!--{if $arrProduct.down == 2}-->
+                <div><font color="red">本商品はダウンロード販売となります。<br /> 購入後はMYページの購入履歴からダウンロード可能です。</font></div><br />
+            <!--{/if}-->
+            <table>
+                <tr>
+                    <th colspan="2">
+                        <!--★商品名★-->
+                        <h2><!--{$arrProduct.name|escape}--></h2>
+                    </th>
+                </tr>
+                <tr>
+                    <th>
+                        <!--★販売価格★-->
+                        <div class="sale_price"><!--{$smarty.const.SALE_PRICE_TITLE}--><span class="mini">(税込)</span></div>
+                    </th>
+                    <td>
+                        <span class="price">
+                            <span id="price02_default">
+                                <!--{if $arrProduct.price02_min == $arrProduct.price02_max}-->
+                                    <!--{$arrProduct.price02_min|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->
+                                <!--{else}-->
+                                    <!--{$arrProduct.price02_min|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->〜<!--{$arrProduct.price02_max|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->
+                                <!--{/if}-->
+                            </span><span id="price02_dynamic"></span>
+                            円
+                        </span>
+                    </td>
+                </tr>
+                <!--★通常価格★-->
+                <!--{if $arrProduct.price01_max > 0}-->
+                <tr>
+                    <th>
+                        <div class="normal_price">
+                        <!--{$smarty.const.NORMAL_PRICE_TITLE}-->:
+                        </div>
+                    </th>
+                    <td>
+                        <span class="price">
+                            <span id="price01_default">
+                                <!--{if $arrProduct.price01_min == $arrProduct.price01_max}-->
+                                    <!--{$arrProduct.price01_min|number_format}-->
+                                <!--{else}-->
+                                    <!--{$arrProduct.price01_min|number_format}-->〜<!--{$arrProduct.price01_max|number_format}-->
+                                <!--{/if}-->
+                            </span><span id="price01_dynamic"></span>
+                            円
+                        </span>
+                    </td>
+                </tr>    
+                <!--{/if}-->
+                <!--★ポイント★-->
+                <!--{if $smarty.const.USE_POINT !== false}-->
+                <tr>
+                    <th>
+                        <span class="price">ポイント:</span>
+                    </th>
+                    <td>
+                        <span id="point_default">
+                            <!--{if $arrProduct.price02_min == $arrProduct.price02_max}-->
+                                <!--{$arrProduct.price02_min|sfPrePoint:$arrProduct.point_rate:$smarty.const.POINT_RULE:$arrProduct.product_id}-->
+                            <!--{else}-->
+                                <!--{if $arrProduct.price02_min|sfPrePoint:$arrProduct.point_rate:$smarty.const.POINT_RULE:$arrProduct.product_id == $arrProduct.price02_max|sfPrePoint:$arrProduct.point_rate:$smarty.const.POINT_RULE:$arrProduct.product_id}-->
+                                    <!--{$arrProduct.price02_min|sfPrePoint:$arrProduct.point_rate:$smarty.const.POINT_RULE:$arrProduct.product_id}-->
+                                <!--{else}-->
+                                    <!--{$arrProduct.price02_min|sfPrePoint:$arrProduct.point_rate:$smarty.const.POINT_RULE:$arrProduct.product_id}-->〜<!--{$arrProduct.price02_max|sfPrePoint:$arrProduct.point_rate:$smarty.const.POINT_RULE:$arrProduct.product_id}-->
+                                <!--{/if}-->
+                            <!--{/if}-->
+                            </span><span id="point_dynamic">
+                            Pt
+                        </span>
+                    </td>
+                </tr>
+                <!--{/if}-->
+                <!--▼メーカーURL-->
+                <!--{if $arrProduct.comment1|strlen >= 1}-->
+                <tr>
+                    <th>
+                        <span class="comment1">メーカーURL:
+                    </th>
+                    <td>
+                            <a href="<!--{$arrProduct.comment1|escape}-->">
+                                <!--{$arrProduct.comment1|escape}--></a>
+                    </td>
+                </tr>
+                <!--{/if}-->
+                <!--▲メーカーURL-->
+                <!--★関連カテゴリ★-->
+                <tr>
+                    <th>
+                        <div class="relative_cat">関連カテゴリ:</div>
+                    </th>
+                    <td>
+                        <!--{section name=r loop=$arrRelativeCat}-->
+                        <p>
+                            <!--{section name=s loop=$arrRelativeCat[r]}-->
+                            <a href="<!--{$smarty.const.SMARTPHONE_URL_DIR}-->products/list.php?category_id=<!--{$arrRelativeCat[r][s].category_id}-->"><!--{$arrRelativeCat[r][s].category_name}--></a>
+                            <!--{if !$smarty.section.s.last}--><!--{$smarty.const.SEPA_CATNAVI}--><!--{/if}-->
+                            <!--{/section}-->
+                        </p>
+                        <!--{/section}-->
+                    </td>
+                </tr>
+                <tr>
+                    <td colspan="2">
+                            <!--★詳細メインコメント★-->
+                            <div class="main_comment"><!--{$arrProduct.main_comment|nl2br_html}--></div>
+                    </td>
+                </tr>
+            </table>
+            <!--▼買い物かご-->
+            <form name="form1" id="form1" method="post" action="?">
+                <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="cart" />
+                <input type="hidden" name="product_id" value="<!--{$tpl_product_id}-->" />
+                <input type="hidden" name="product_class_id" value="<!--{$tpl_product_class_id}-->" id="product_class_id" />
+                <input type="hidden" name="product_type" value="<!--{$tpl_product_type}-->" id="product_type" />
+                <input type="hidden" name="favorite_product_id" value="" />
+                <!--{if $tpl_stock_find}-->
+                    <dl>
+                        <!--{if $tpl_classcat_find1}-->
+                            <!--▼規格1-->
+                            <dt><!--{$tpl_class_name1|escape}--></dt>
+                            <dd>
+                                <select name="classcategory_id1"
+                                    style="<!--{$arrErr.classcategory_id1|sfGetErrorColor}-->"
+                                    onchange="fnSetClassCategories(this.form);"
+                                >
+                                    <!--{html_options options=$arrClassCat1 selected=$arrForm.classcategory_id1.value}-->
+                                </select>
+                                <!--{if $arrErr.classcategory_id1 != ""}-->
+                                    <br /><span class="attention">※ <!--{$tpl_class_name1}-->を入力して下さい。</span>
+                                <!--{/if}-->
+                            </dd>
+                            <!--▲規格1-->
+                        <!--{/if}-->
+                        <!--{if $tpl_classcat_find2}-->
+                            <!--▼規格2-->
+                            <dt><!--{$tpl_class_name2|escape}--></dt>
+                            <dd>
+                                <select name="classcategory_id2"
+                                    style="<!--{$arrErr.classcategory_id2|sfGetErrorColor}-->"
+                                    onchange="fnCheckStock(this.form);"
+                                >
+                                </select>
+                                <!--{if $arrErr.classcategory_id2 != ""}-->
+                                    <br /><span class="attention">※ <!--{$tpl_class_name2}-->を入力して下さい。</span>
+                                <!--{/if}-->
+                            </dd>
+                            <!--▲規格2-->
+                        <!--{/if}-->
+                        <dt>数量</dt>
+                        <dd>
+                            <input type="text" name="quantity" class="box54" value="<!--{$arrForm.quantity.value|default:1}-->" maxlength="<!--{$smarty.const.INT_LEN}-->" style="<!--{$arrErr.quantity|sfGetErrorColor}-->" />
+                            <!--{if $arrErr.quantity != ""}-->
+                                <br /><span class="attention"><!--{$arrErr.quantity}--></span>
+                            <!--{/if}-->
+                        </dd>
+                    </dl>
+                <!--{/if}-->
+                <div class="btn">
+                    <!--{if $smarty.const.OPTION_FAVOFITE_PRODUCT == 1 && $tpl_login === true}-->
+                        <div>
+                            <!--{assign var=add_favorite value="add_favorite`$product_id`"}-->
+                            <!--{if $arrErr[$add_favorite]}--><div class="attention"><!--{$arrErr[$add_favorite]}--></div><!--{/if}-->
+                            <!--{if !$arrProduct.favorite_count}-->
+                                <a
+                                    href="javascript:fnModeSubmit('add_favorite','favorite_product_id','<!--{$arrProduct.product_id|escape}-->');"
+                                    onmouseover="chgImg('<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/products/add_favolite_product_on.gif','add_favolite_product');"
+                                    onmouseout="chgImg('<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/products/add_favolite_product.gif','add_favolite_product');"
+                                ><img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/products/add_favolite_product.gif" width="115" height="20" alt="お気に入りに追加" name="add_favolite_product" id="add_favolite_product" /></a>
+                            <!--{else}-->
+                                <img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/products/add_favolite_product_on.gif" width="115" height="20" alt="お気に入り登録済" name="add_favolite_product" id="add_favolite_product" />
+                            <!--{/if}-->
+                        </div>
+                    <!--{/if}-->
+                    <!--{if $tpl_stock_find}-->
+                        <div id="cartbtn_default">
+                            <!--★カゴに入れる★-->
+                            <div>
+                                <a href="javascript:void(document.form1.submit())" onmouseover="chgImg('<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/products/b_cartin_on.gif','cart');" onmouseout="chgImg('<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/products/b_cartin.gif','cart');" class="spbtn spbtn-agree">
+                                    カゴに入れる
+                                </a>
+                            </div>
+                            <!--{if 'sfGMODetailDisplay'|function_exists}--><!--{* GMOワンクリック *}-->
+                                <!--{'sfGMODetailDisplay'|call_user_func}-->
+                            <!--{/if}-->
+                        </div>
+                        <div class="attention" id="cartbtn_dynamic"></div>
+                    <!--{else}-->
+                        <div class="attention">申し訳ございませんが、只今品切れ中です。</div>
+                    <!--{/if}-->
+                </div>
+            </form>
+            <!--▲買い物かご-->
+        </div>
+    </div>
+    <!--{* オペビルダー用 *}-->
+    <!--{if "sfViewDetailOpe"|function_exists === TRUE}-->
+        <!--{include file=`$smarty.const.MODULE_PATH`mdl_opebuilder/detail_ope_view.tpl}-->
+    <!--{/if}-->
+    <!--詳細ここまで-->
+    <!--▼サブコメント-->
+    <!--{section name=cnt loop=$smarty.const.PRODUCTSUB_MAX}-->
+        <!--{assign var=key value="sub_title`$smarty.section.cnt.index+1`"}-->
+        <!--{if $arrProduct[$key] != ""}-->
+            <div class="subarea">
+                <h3><!--★サブタイトル★--><!--{$arrProduct[$key]|escape}--></h3>
+                <!--{assign var=ckey value="sub_comment`$smarty.section.cnt.index+1`"}-->
+                <div class="subtext"><!--★サブテキスト★--><!--{$arrProduct[$ckey]|nl2br_html}--></div>
+                <!--▼サブ画像-->
+                <!--{assign var=key value="sub_image`$smarty.section.cnt.index+1`"}-->
+                <!--{assign var=lkey value="sub_large_image`$smarty.section.cnt.index+1`"}-->
+                <!--{if $arrProduct[$key]|strlen >= 1}-->
+                    <div class="subphotoimg">
+                        <a
+                            <!--{if $arrProduct[$lkey]|strlen >= 1}-->
+                                href="<!--{$smarty.const.IMAGE_SAVE_URL}--><!--{$arrProduct[$lkey]|escape}-->"
+                                class="expansion"
+                                onmouseover="chgImg('<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/products/b_expansion_on.gif', 'expansion_<!--{$lkey|escape}-->');"
+                                onmouseout="chgImg('<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/products/b_expansion.gif', 'expansion_<!--{$lkey|escape}-->');"
+                                target="_blank"
+                            <!--{/if}-->
+                        >
+                            <img src="<!--{$arrFile[$key].filepath}-->" alt="<!--{$arrProduct.name|escape}-->" width="<!--{$arrFile[$key].width}-->" height="<!--{$arrFile[$key].height}-->" /><br />
+                            <!--{if $arrProduct[$lkey]|strlen >= 1}-->
+                                <img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/products/b_expansion.gif" width="85" height="13" alt="画像を拡大する" id="expansion_<!--{$lkey|escape}-->" />
+                            <!--{/if}-->
+                        </a>
+                    </div>
+                <!--{/if}-->
+                <!--▲サブ画像-->
+            </div>
+        <!--{/if}-->
+    <!--{/section}-->
+    <!--▲サブコメント-->
+    <!--▼関連商品-->
+    <!--{if $arrRecommend}-->
+        <div id="whoboughtarea">
+            <h2>その他のオススメ商品(関連商品)</h2>
+            <div class="whoboughtblock">
+            <!--{section name=cnt loop=$arrRecommend}-->
+                <!--{if ($smarty.section.cnt.index % 2) == 0}-->
+                <!--{if $arrRecommend[cnt].product_id}-->
+                <!-- 左列 -->
+                <div class="whoboughtleft">
+                    <a href="<!--{$smarty.const.DETAIL_P_HTML}--><!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].product_id|escape:url}-->">
+                        <img src="<!--{$smarty.const.URL_DIR}-->resize_image.php?image=<!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].main_list_image|sfNoImageMainList|escape}-->&amp;width=65&amp;height=65" alt="<!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].name|escape}-->" /></a>
+                    <div class="whoboughtrightblock">
+                        <!--{assign var=price02_min value=`$arrRecommend[cnt].price02_min`}-->
+                        <!--{assign var=price02_max value=`$arrRecommend[cnt].price02_max`}-->
+                        <h3><a href="<!--{$smarty.const.DETAIL_P_HTML}--><!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].product_id|escape:url}-->"><!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].name|escape}--></a></h3>
+                        <p class="sale_price"><!--{$smarty.const.SALE_PRICE_TITLE}--><span class="mini">(税込)</span>:<span class="price">
+                            <!--{if $price02_min == $price02_max}-->
+                                <!--{$price02_min|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->
+                            <!--{else}-->
+                                <!--{$price02_min|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->〜<!--{$price02_max|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->
+                            <!--{/if}-->円</span></p>
+                        <p class="mini"><!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].comment|escape|nl2br}--></p>
+                    </div>
+                </div>
+                <!-- 左列 -->
+                <!--{/if}-->
+                <!--{/if}-->
+                <!--{if ($smarty.section.cnt.index % 2) != 0}-->
+                <!--{* assign var=nextCnt value=$smarty.section.cnt.index+1 *}-->
+                <!--{if $arrRecommend[cnt].product_id}-->
+                <!-- 右列 -->
+                <div class="whoboughtright">
+                    <a href="<!--{$smarty.const.DETAIL_P_HTML}--><!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].product_id|escape:url}-->">
+                        <img src="<!--{$smarty.const.URL_DIR}-->resize_image.php?image=<!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].main_list_image|sfNoImageMainList|escape}-->&amp;width=65&amp;height=65" alt="<!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].name|escape}-->" /></a>
+                    <div class="whoboughtrightblock">
+                        <!--{assign var=price02_min value=`$arrRecommend[cnt].price02_min`}-->
+                        <!--{assign var=price02_max value=`$arrRecommend[cnt].price02_max`}-->
+                        <h3><a href="<!--{$smarty.const.DETAIL_P_HTML}--><!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].product_id|escape:url}-->"><!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].name|escape}--></a></h3>
+                        <p class="sale_price"><!--{$smarty.const.SALE_PRICE_TITLE}--><span class="mini">(税込)</span>:<span class="price">
+                            <!--{if $price02_min == $price02_max}-->
+                                <!--{$price02_min|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->
+                            <!--{else}-->
+                                <!--{$price02_min|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->〜<!--{$price02_max|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->
+                            <!--{/if}-->円</span></p>
+                        <p class="mini"><!--{$arrRecommend[cnt].comment|escape|nl2br}--></p>
+                    </div>
+                </div>
+                <!-- 右列 -->
+            <!--{/if}-->
+            <!--{/if}-->
+            <!--{if $smarty.section.cnt.last}-->
+            </div>
+            <!--{/if}-->
+        <!--{/section}-->
+        </div>
+    <!--{/if}-->
+    <!--▲関連商品-->

コピーによる追加: branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/sphone/products/list.tpl (コピー元: リビジョン 19773, branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/sphone/list.tpl)
--- branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/sphone/products/list.tpl	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/sphone/products/list.tpl	2010-12-28 06:44:53 UTC (rev 19775)
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+ * This file is part of EC-CUBE
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2000-2010 LOCKON CO.,LTD. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * http://www.lockon.co.jp/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+ *}-->
+<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
+// 規格2に選択肢を割り当てる。
+function fnSetClassCategories(form, classcat_id2_selected) {
+    sele1 = form.classcategory_id1;
+    sele2 = form.classcategory_id2;
+    product_id = form.product_id.value;
+    if (sele1) {
+        if (sele2) {
+            // 規格2の選択肢をクリア
+            count = sele2.options.length;
+            for(i = count; i >= 0; i--) {
+                sele2.options[i] = null;
+            }
+            // 規格2に選択肢を割り当てる
+            classcats = productsClassCategories[product_id][sele1.value];
+            i = 0;
+            for (var classcat_id2_key in classcats) {
+                sele2.options[i] = new Option(classcats[classcat_id2_key].name, classcat_id2_key);
+                if (classcat_id2_key == classcat_id2_selected) {
+                    sele2.options[i].selected = true;
+                }
+                i++;
+            }
+        }
+        fnCheckStock(form);
+    }
+// 並び順を変更
+function fnChangeOrderby(orderby) {
+    fnSetVal('orderby', orderby);
+    fnSetVal('pageno', 1);
+    fnSubmit();
+// 表示件数を変更
+function fnChangeDispNumber(dispNumber) {
+    fnSetVal('disp_number', dispNumber);
+    fnSetVal('pageno', 1);
+    fnSubmit();
+// カゴに入れる
+function fnInCart(productForm) {
+    var product_id = productForm["product_id"].value;
+    fnChangeAction("?#product" + product_id);
+    if (productForm["classcategory_id1"]) {
+        fnSetVal("classcategory_id1", productForm["classcategory_id1"].value);
+    }
+    if (productForm["classcategory_id2"]) {
+        fnSetVal("classcategory_id2", productForm["classcategory_id2"].value);
+    }
+    fnSetVal("quantity", productForm["quantity"].value);
+    fnSetVal("product_id", productForm["product_id"].value);
+    fnSetVal("product_class_id", productForm["product_class_id"].value);
+    fnSetVal("product_type", productForm["product_type"].value);
+    fnSubmit();
+function fnCheckStock(form) {
+    product_id = form.product_id.value;
+    classcat_id1 = form.classcategory_id1.value;
+    classcat_id2 = form.classcategory_id2 ? form.classcategory_id2.value : 0;
+    classcat2 = productsClassCategories[product_id][classcat_id1][classcat_id2];
+    // 在庫(品切れ)
+    eleDefault = document.getElementById('cartbtn_default_' + product_id);
+    eleDynamic = document.getElementById('cartbtn_dynamic_' + product_id);
+    if (
+           classcat2
+        && classcat2.stock_find === false
+    ) {
+        eleDefault.style.display = 'none';
+        eleDynamic.innerHTML = '申し訳ございませんが、只今品切れ中です。';
+    } else {
+        eleDefault.style.display = '';
+        eleDynamic.innerHTML = '';
+    }
+    // 販売価格
+    eleDefault = document.getElementById('price02_default_' + product_id);
+    eleDynamic = document.getElementById('price02_dynamic_' + product_id);
+    if (
+           classcat2
+        && typeof classcat2.price02 != 'undefined'
+        && String(classcat2.price02).length >= 1
+    ) {
+        eleDefault.style.display = 'none';
+        eleDynamic.innerHTML = classcat2.price02;
+    } else {
+        eleDefault.style.display = '';
+        eleDynamic.innerHTML = '';
+    }
+    // 商品規格
+    eleDynamic = document.getElementById('product_class_id' + product_id);
+    if (
+           classcat2
+        && typeof classcat2.product_class_id != 'undefined'
+        && String(classcat2.product_class_id).length >= 1
+    ) {
+        eleDynamic.value = classcat2.product_class_id;
+    } else {
+        eleDynamic.value = ''
+    }
+    // 商品種別
+    eleDynamic = document.getElementById('product_type' + product_id);
+    if (
+           classcat2
+        && typeof classcat2.product_type != 'undefined'
+        && String(classcat2.product_type).length >= 1
+    ) {
+        eleDynamic.value = classcat2.product_type;
+    } else {
+        eleDynamic.value = ''
+    }
+<div id="undercolumn" class="product product_list">
+    <form name="form1" id="form1" method="get" action="?">
+        <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="<!--{$mode|escape}-->" />
+        <!--{* ▼検索条件 *}-->
+        <input type="hidden" name="category_id" value="<!--{$arrSearchData.category_id|escape}-->" />
+        <input type="hidden" name="maker_id" value="<!--{$arrSearchData.maker_id|escape}-->" />
+        <input type="hidden" name="name" value="<!--{$arrSearchData.name|escape}-->" />
+        <!--{* ▲検索条件 *}-->
+        <!--{* ▼ページナビ関連 *}-->
+        <input type="hidden" name="orderby" value="<!--{$orderby|escape}-->" />
+        <input type="hidden" name="disp_number" value="<!--{$disp_number|escape}-->" />
+        <input type="hidden" name="pageno" value="<!--{$tpl_pageno|escape}-->" />
+        <!--{* ▲ページナビ関連 *}-->
+        <!--{* ▼注文関連 *}-->
+        <input type="hidden" name="product_id" value="" />
+        <input type="hidden" name="classcategory_id1" value="" />
+        <input type="hidden" name="classcategory_id2" value="" />
+        <input type="hidden" name="product_class_id" value="" />
+        <input type="hidden" name="product_type" value="" />
+        <input type="hidden" name="quantity" value="" />
+        <!--{* ▲注文関連 *}-->
+        <input type="hidden" name="rnd" value="<!--{$tpl_rnd|escape}-->" />
+    </form>
+    <!--★タイトル★-->
+    <h2 class="title"><!--{$tpl_subtitle|escape}--></h2>
+    <!--▼検索条件-->
+    <!--{if $tpl_subtitle == "検索結果"}-->
+        <ul class="pagecondarea">
+            <li><strong>商品カテゴリ:</strong><!--{$arrSearch.category|escape}--></li>
+        <!--{if $arrSearch.maker|strlen >= 1}--><li><strong>メーカー:</strong><!--{$arrSearch.maker|escape}--></li><!--{/if}-->
+            <li><strong>商品名:</strong><!--{$arrSearch.name|escape}--></li>
+        </ul>
+    <!--{/if}-->
+    <!--▲検索条件-->
+    <!--▼ページナビ(本文)-->
+    <!--{capture name=page_navi_body}-->
+        <div class="pagenumberarea">
+            <div class="change">
+                <!--{if $orderby != 'price'}-->
+                    <a href="javascript:fnChangeOrderby('price');">価格順</a>
+                <!--{else}-->
+                    <strong>価格順</strong>
+                <!--{/if}-->
+                <!--{if $orderby != "date"}-->
+                        <a href="javascript:fnChangeOrderby('date');">新着順</a>
+                <!--{else}-->
+                    <strong>新着順</strong>
+                <!--{/if}-->
+            </div>
+            <div class="navi"><!--{$tpl_strnavi}--></div>
+        </div>
+    <!--{/capture}-->
+    <!--▲ページナビ(本文)-->
+    <!--{foreach from=$arrProducts item=arrProduct name=arrProducts}-->
+        <!--{if $smarty.foreach.arrProducts.first}-->
+            <!--▼件数-->
+            <div>
+                <span class="pagenumber"><!--{$tpl_linemax}--></span>件の商品
+                <select name="disp_number" onchange="javascript:fnChangeDispNumber(this.value);">
+                    <!--{foreach from=$arrPRODUCTLISTMAX item="dispnum" key="num"}-->
+                        <!--{if $num == $disp_number}-->
+                        <option value="<!--{$num}-->" selected="selected" ><!--{$dispnum}--></option>
+                        <!--{else}-->
+                        <option value="<!--{$num}-->" ><!--{$dispnum}--></option>
+                        <!--{/if}-->
+                    <!--{/foreach}-->
+                </select>
+            </div>
+            <!--▲件数-->
+            <!--▼ページナビ(上部)-->
+            <form name="page_navi_top" id="page_navi_top" action="?">
+                <!--{if $tpl_linemax > 0}--><!--{$smarty.capture.page_navi_body|smarty:nodefaults}--><!--{/if}-->
+            </form>
+            <!--▲ページナビ(上部)-->
+        <!--{/if}-->
+        <!--{assign var=id value=$arrProduct.product_id}-->
+        <!--{assign var=arrErr value=$arrProduct.arrErr}-->
+        <!--▼商品-->
+        <div class="listarea">
+        <a name="product<!--{$id|escape}-->" />
+            <div class="listphoto">
+                <!--★画像★-->
+                <a href="<!--{$smarty.const.DETAIL_P_HTML}--><!--{$arrProduct.product_id|escape:url}-->" class="over"><!--商品写真--><img src="<!--{$smarty.const.IMAGE_SAVE_URL|sfTrimURL}-->/<!--{$arrProduct.main_list_image|sfNoImageMainList|escape}-->" alt="<!--{$arrProduct.name|escape}-->" class="picture" /></a>
+            </div>
+            <div class="listrightblock">
+                <!--▼商品ステータス-->
+                <!--{if count($productStatus[$id]) > 0}-->
+                    <ul class="status_icon">
+                        <!--{foreach from=$productStatus[$id] item=status}--> 
+                            <li>
+                                <img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}--><!--{$arrSTATUS_IMAGE[$status]}-->" width="65" height="17" alt="<!--{$arrSTATUS[$status]}-->"/>
+                            </li>
+                        <!--{/foreach}-->
+                    </ul>
+                <!--{/if}-->
+                <!--▲商品ステータス-->
+                <!--★商品名★-->
+                <h3>
+                    <a href="<!--{$smarty.const.DETAIL_P_HTML}--><!--{$arrProduct.product_id|escape:url}-->" name="product<!--{$arrProduct.product_id}-->"><!--{$arrProduct.name|escape}--></a>
+                </h3>
+                <!--★コメント★-->
+                <p class="listcomment"><!--{$arrProduct.main_list_comment|escape|nl2br}--></p>
+                <p>
+                    <span class="pricebox sale_price">
+                        <span class="mini">税込</span>:
+                        <span class="price">
+                            <span id="price02_default_<!--{$id}-->">
+                                <!--{if $arrProduct.price02_min == $arrProduct.price02_max}-->
+                                    <!--{$arrProduct.price02_min|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->
+                                <!--{else}-->
+                                    <!--{$arrProduct.price02_min|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->〜<!--{$arrProduct.price02_max|sfCalcIncTax:$arrSiteInfo.tax:$arrSiteInfo.tax_rule|number_format}-->
+                                <!--{/if}-->
+                            </span><span id="price02_dynamic_<!--{$id}-->"></span>
+                            円</span>
+                    </span>
+                </p>
+            </div>
+        </div>
+        <!--▲商品-->
+        <!--{if $smarty.foreach.arrProducts.last}-->
+            <!--▼ページナビ(下部)-->
+            <form name="page_navi_bottom" id="page_navi_bottom" action="?">
+                <!--{if $tpl_linemax > 0}--><!--{$smarty.capture.page_navi_body|smarty:nodefaults}--><!--{/if}-->
+            </form>
+            <!--▲ページナビ(下部)-->
+        <!--{/if}-->
+    <!--{foreachelse}-->
+        <!--{include file="frontparts/search_zero.tpl"}-->
+    <!--{/foreach}-->

削除: branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/sphone/top.tpl
--- branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/sphone/top.tpl	2010-12-28 06:38:47 UTC (rev 19774)
+++ branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/sphone/top.tpl	2010-12-28 06:44:53 UTC (rev 19775)
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of EC-CUBE
- *
- * Copyright(c) 2000-2010 LOCKON CO.,LTD. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * http://www.lockon.co.jp/
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
- *}-->
-<div id="topbox">
-<!--{* ▼ロゴ ここから *}-->
-<div id="header">
-    <a href="<!--{$smarty.const.SMARTPHONE_SSL_URL}-->">
-      <em><!--{$arrSiteInfo.shop_name|escape}-->/<!--{$tpl_title|escape}--></em></a>
-  </h1>
-<!--{* ▲ロゴ ここまで *}-->
-<!--{* ヘッダメニュー *}-->
-<div id="headmenu">
-<!--{* 検索 *}-->
-<div id="searchbar">
-<form method="get" action="<!--{$smarty.const.SMARTPHONE_SITE_URL}-->products/list.php">
-<input type="text" name="name" maxlength="50" value="<!--{$smarty.get.name|escape}-->" placeholder="商品検索" ><input type="submit" name="search" value="検索">
-<!--{* searchmenu *}--></div>
-<!--{* headmenu *}--></div>
-<!--{* topbox *}--></div>
-<!--{* 新着情報 *}-->
-<!--{include_php file=`$smarty.const.SMARTPHONE_HTML_PATH`/frontparts/bloc/news.php}-->
-<!--{* ログイン *}-->
-<!--{include_php file=`$smarty.const.SMARTPHONE_HTML_PATH`/frontparts/bloc/login.php}-->
-<!--{* おすすめ商品 *}-->
-<!--{include_php file=`$smarty.const.SMARTPHONE_HTML_PATH`/frontparts/bloc/best5.php}-->
-<!-- ▼メニュー ここから -->
-<!--{include_php file=`$smarty.const.SMARTPHONE_HTML_PATH`/frontparts/bloc/category.php}-->

変更: branches/version-2_5-dev/html/install/sql/insert_data.sql
--- branches/version-2_5-dev/html/install/sql/insert_data.sql	2010-12-28 06:38:47 UTC (rev 19774)
+++ branches/version-2_5-dev/html/install/sql/insert_data.sql	2010-12-28 06:44:53 UTC (rev 19775)
@@ -514,9 +514,9 @@
 INSERT INTO dtb_news (news_id, news_date, rank, news_title, news_comment, news_url, news_select, link_method, creator_id, create_date, update_date, del_flg) VALUES (1, '2010-08-19 00:00:00', 1, 'サイトオープンいたしました!', '一人暮らしからオフィスなどさまざまなシーンで あなたの生活をサポートするグッズをご家庭へお届けします!一人暮らしからオフィスなどさまざまなシーンで あなたの生活をサポートするグッズをご家庭へお届けします!一人暮らしからオフィスなどさまざまなシーンで あなたの生活をサポートするグッズをご家庭へお届けします!', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 0);
 INSERT INTO dtb_pagelayout (device_type_id, page_id, page_name, url, php_dir, tpl_dir, filename, header_chk, footer_chk, edit_flg, author, description, keyword, update_url, create_date, update_date) VALUES (10, 0, 'プレビューデータ', 'preview', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
-INSERT INTO dtb_pagelayout (device_type_id, page_id, page_name, url, php_dir, tpl_dir, filename, header_chk, footer_chk, edit_flg, author, description, keyword, update_url, create_date, update_date) VALUES (10, 1, 'TOPページ', 'index.php', ' ', 'user_data/templates/', 'top', 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
-INSERT INTO dtb_pagelayout (device_type_id, page_id, page_name, url, php_dir, tpl_dir, filename, header_chk, footer_chk, edit_flg, author, description, keyword, update_url, create_date, update_date) VALUES (10, 2, '商品一覧ページ', 'products/list.php', ' ', 'user_data/templates/', 'list', 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
-INSERT INTO dtb_pagelayout (device_type_id, page_id, page_name, url, php_dir, tpl_dir, filename, header_chk, footer_chk, edit_flg, author, description, keyword, update_url, create_date, update_date) VALUES (10, 3, '商品詳細ページ', 'products/detail.php', ' ', 'user_data/templates/', 'detail', 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
+INSERT INTO dtb_pagelayout (device_type_id, page_id, page_name, url, php_dir, tpl_dir, filename, header_chk, footer_chk, edit_flg, author, description, keyword, update_url, create_date, update_date) VALUES (10, 1, 'TOPページ', 'index.php', ' ', 'user_data/templates/', 'index', 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
+INSERT INTO dtb_pagelayout (device_type_id, page_id, page_name, url, php_dir, tpl_dir, filename, header_chk, footer_chk, edit_flg, author, description, keyword, update_url, create_date, update_date) VALUES (10, 2, '商品一覧ページ', 'products/list.php', ' ', 'user_data/templates/', 'products/list', 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
+INSERT INTO dtb_pagelayout (device_type_id, page_id, page_name, url, php_dir, tpl_dir, filename, header_chk, footer_chk, edit_flg, author, description, keyword, update_url, create_date, update_date) VALUES (10, 3, '商品詳細ページ', 'products/detail.php', ' ', 'user_data/templates/', 'products/detail', 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
 INSERT INTO dtb_pagelayout (device_type_id, page_id, page_name, url, php_dir, tpl_dir, filename, header_chk, footer_chk, edit_flg, author, description, keyword, update_url, create_date, update_date) VALUES (10, 4, 'MYページ', 'mypage/index.php', ' ', NULL, 'mypage/index', 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
 INSERT INTO dtb_pagelayout (device_type_id, page_id, page_name, url, php_dir, tpl_dir, filename, header_chk, footer_chk, edit_flg, author, description, keyword, update_url, create_date, update_date) VALUES (10, 5, 'MYページ/会員登録内容変更(入力ページ)', 'mypage/change.php', NULL, NULL, 'mypage/change', 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
 INSERT INTO dtb_pagelayout (device_type_id, page_id, page_name, url, php_dir, tpl_dir, filename, header_chk, footer_chk, edit_flg, author, description, keyword, update_url, create_date, update_date) VALUES (10, 6, 'MYページ/会員登録内容変更(完了ページ)', 'mypage/change_complete.php', NULL, NULL, 'mypage/change_complete', 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
@@ -541,9 +541,9 @@
 INSERT INTO dtb_pagelayout (device_type_id, page_id, page_name, url, php_dir, tpl_dir, filename, header_chk, footer_chk, edit_flg, author, description, keyword, update_url, create_date, update_date) VALUES (10, 25, '商品購入/ご入力内容のご確認', 'shopping/confirm.php', NULL, NULL, 'shopping/confirm', 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
 INSERT INTO dtb_pagelayout (device_type_id, page_id, page_name, url, php_dir, tpl_dir, filename, header_chk, footer_chk, edit_flg, author, description, keyword, update_url, create_date, update_date) VALUES (10, 26, '商品購入/ご注文完了', 'shopping/complete.php', NULL, NULL, 'shopping/complete', 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
 INSERT INTO dtb_pagelayout (device_type_id, page_id, page_name, url, php_dir, tpl_dir, filename, header_chk, footer_chk, edit_flg, author, description, keyword, update_url, create_date, update_date) VALUES (2, 0, NULL, 'preview', NULL, NULL, 'preview', 1, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
-INSERT INTO dtb_pagelayout (device_type_id, page_id, page_name, url, php_dir, tpl_dir, filename, header_chk, footer_chk, edit_flg, author, description, keyword, update_url, create_date, update_date) VALUES (2, 1, 'TOPページ', 'sphone/index.php', NULL, NULL, 'top', 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
-INSERT INTO dtb_pagelayout (device_type_id, page_id, page_name, url, php_dir, tpl_dir, filename, header_chk, footer_chk, edit_flg, author, description, keyword, update_url, create_date, update_date) VALUES (2, 2, '商品一覧ページ', 'sphone/products/list.php', NULL, NULL, 'list', 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
-INSERT INTO dtb_pagelayout (device_type_id, page_id, page_name, url, php_dir, tpl_dir, filename, header_chk, footer_chk, edit_flg, author, description, keyword, update_url, create_date, update_date) VALUES (2, 3, '商品詳細ページ', 'sphone/products/detail.php', NULL, NULL, 'detail', 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
+INSERT INTO dtb_pagelayout (device_type_id, page_id, page_name, url, php_dir, tpl_dir, filename, header_chk, footer_chk, edit_flg, author, description, keyword, update_url, create_date, update_date) VALUES (2, 1, 'TOPページ', 'sphone/index.php', NULL, NULL, 'index', 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
+INSERT INTO dtb_pagelayout (device_type_id, page_id, page_name, url, php_dir, tpl_dir, filename, header_chk, footer_chk, edit_flg, author, description, keyword, update_url, create_date, update_date) VALUES (2, 2, '商品一覧ページ', 'sphone/products/list.php', NULL, NULL, 'products/list', 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
+INSERT INTO dtb_pagelayout (device_type_id, page_id, page_name, url, php_dir, tpl_dir, filename, header_chk, footer_chk, edit_flg, author, description, keyword, update_url, create_date, update_date) VALUES (2, 3, '商品詳細ページ', 'sphone/products/detail.php', NULL, NULL, 'products/detail', 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
 INSERT INTO dtb_pagelayout (device_type_id, page_id, page_name, url, php_dir, tpl_dir, filename, header_chk, footer_chk, edit_flg, author, description, keyword, update_url, create_date, update_date) VALUES (2, 4, 'MYページ', 'sphone/mypage/index.php', NULL, NULL, 'mypage/index', 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
 INSERT INTO dtb_pagelayout (device_type_id, page_id, page_name, url, php_dir, tpl_dir, filename, header_chk, footer_chk, edit_flg, author, description, keyword, update_url, create_date, update_date) VALUES (2, 5, 'MYページ/会員登録内容変更(入力ページ)', 'sphone/mypage/change.php', NULL, NULL, 'mypage/change', 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
 INSERT INTO dtb_pagelayout (device_type_id, page_id, page_name, url, php_dir, tpl_dir, filename, header_chk, footer_chk, edit_flg, author, description, keyword, update_url, create_date, update_date) VALUES (2, 6, 'MYページ/会員登録内容変更(完了ページ)', 'sphone/mypage/change_complete.php', NULL, NULL, 'mypage/change_complete', 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
@@ -568,9 +568,9 @@
 INSERT INTO dtb_pagelayout (device_type_id, page_id, page_name, url, php_dir, tpl_dir, filename, header_chk, footer_chk, edit_flg, author, description, keyword, update_url, create_date, update_date) VALUES (2, 25, '商品購入/ご入力内容のご確認', 'sphone/shopping/confirm.php', NULL, NULL, 'shopping/confirm', 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
 INSERT INTO dtb_pagelayout (device_type_id, page_id, page_name, url, php_dir, tpl_dir, filename, header_chk, footer_chk, edit_flg, author, description, keyword, update_url, create_date, update_date) VALUES (2, 26, '商品購入/ご注文完了', 'sphone/shopping/complete.php', NULL, NULL, 'shopping/complete', 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
 INSERT INTO dtb_pagelayout (device_type_id, page_id, page_name, url, php_dir, tpl_dir, filename, header_chk, footer_chk, edit_flg, author, description, keyword, update_url, create_date, update_date) VALUES (1, 0, NULL, 'preview', NULL, NULL, 'preview', 1, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
-INSERT INTO dtb_pagelayout (device_type_id, page_id, page_name, url, php_dir, tpl_dir, filename, header_chk, footer_chk, edit_flg, author, description, keyword, update_url, create_date, update_date) VALUES (1, 1, 'TOPページ', 'mobile/index.php', NULL, NULL, 'top', 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
-INSERT INTO dtb_pagelayout (device_type_id, page_id, page_name, url, php_dir, tpl_dir, filename, header_chk, footer_chk, edit_flg, author, description, keyword, update_url, create_date, update_date) VALUES (1, 2, '商品一覧ページ', 'mobile/products/list.php', NULL, NULL, 'list', 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
-INSERT INTO dtb_pagelayout (device_type_id, page_id, page_name, url, php_dir, tpl_dir, filename, header_chk, footer_chk, edit_flg, author, description, keyword, update_url, create_date, update_date) VALUES (1, 3, '商品詳細ページ', 'mobile/products/detail.php', NULL, NULL, 'detail', 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
+INSERT INTO dtb_pagelayout (device_type_id, page_id, page_name, url, php_dir, tpl_dir, filename, header_chk, footer_chk, edit_flg, author, description, keyword, update_url, create_date, update_date) VALUES (1, 1, 'TOPページ', 'mobile/index.php', NULL, NULL, 'index', 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
+INSERT INTO dtb_pagelayout (device_type_id, page_id, page_name, url, php_dir, tpl_dir, filename, header_chk, footer_chk, edit_flg, author, description, keyword, update_url, create_date, update_date) VALUES (1, 2, '商品一覧ページ', 'mobile/products/list.php', NULL, NULL, 'products/list', 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
+INSERT INTO dtb_pagelayout (device_type_id, page_id, page_name, url, php_dir, tpl_dir, filename, header_chk, footer_chk, edit_flg, author, description, keyword, update_url, create_date, update_date) VALUES (1, 3, '商品詳細ページ', 'mobile/products/detail.php', NULL, NULL, 'products/detail', 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
 INSERT INTO dtb_pagelayout (device_type_id, page_id, page_name, url, php_dir, tpl_dir, filename, header_chk, footer_chk, edit_flg, author, description, keyword, update_url, create_date, update_date) VALUES (1, 4, 'MYページ', 'mobile/mypage/index.php', NULL, NULL, 'mypage/index', 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
 INSERT INTO dtb_pagelayout (device_type_id, page_id, page_name, url, php_dir, tpl_dir, filename, header_chk, footer_chk, edit_flg, author, description, keyword, update_url, create_date, update_date) VALUES (1, 5, 'MYページ/会員登録内容変更(入力ページ)', 'mobile/mypage/change.php', NULL, NULL, 'mypage/change', 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
 INSERT INTO dtb_pagelayout (device_type_id, page_id, page_name, url, php_dir, tpl_dir, filename, header_chk, footer_chk, edit_flg, author, description, keyword, update_url, create_date, update_date) VALUES (1, 6, 'MYページ/会員登録内容変更(完了ページ)', 'mobile/mypage/change_complete.php', NULL, NULL, 'mypage/change_complete', 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);

Svn-src-all メーリングリストの案内