[Svn-src-all:907] [version-2_5-dev 19795] #825(ページクラスとテンプレートのファイル名を一致させる)

Seasoft admin @ mail.ec-cube.net
2010年 12月 30日 (木) 18:50:01 JST

Subversion committed to /home/svn/open 19795
│更新者 :  Seasoft                                      │
│更新日時:  2010-12-30 18:50:01 +0900 (木, 30 12月 2010)│

  * 新規ブロックを登録できない不具合を改修

Changed:                      [U:修正,A:追加,D:削除]
D   branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/default/bloc/
A   branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/default/frontparts/bloc/
D   branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/default/rss/product.tpl
A   branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/default/rss/products.tpl
U   branches/version-2_5-dev/data/class/helper/SC_Helper_PageLayout.php
U   branches/version-2_5-dev/data/class/pages/admin/design/LC_Page_Admin_Design_Bloc.php
U   branches/version-2_5-dev/data/class/pages/rss/LC_Page_Rss_Products.php
U   branches/version-2_5-dev/data/mtb_constants_init.php
U   branches/version-2_5-dev/html/install/sql/insert_data.sql

削除: branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/default/rss/product.tpl
--- branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/default/rss/product.tpl	2010-12-30 09:36:13 UTC (rev 19794)
+++ branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/default/rss/product.tpl	2010-12-30 09:50:01 UTC (rev 19795)
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="<!--{$encode}-->"?>
- * This file is part of EC-CUBE
- *
- * Copyright(c) 2000-2010 LOCKON CO.,LTD. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * http://www.lockon.co.jp/
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
- *}-->
-<rss version="2.0">
-<!--{* channel要素 *}-->
-<description><!--{section name=cnt loop=$arrProduct}--><!--{$arrProduct[cnt].product_id|sf_mb_convert_encoding:$encode}-->,<!--{/section}--></description>
-<!--{section name=cnt loop=$arrProduct}-->
-	<!--{* 1つのitem要素を出力する *}-->
-	<item>
-		<link><!--{$smarty.const.SITE_URL}-->rss/product.php?product_id=<!--{$arrProduct[cnt].product_id}--></link>
-		<!--{foreach key=key item=item from=$arrProductKeys}-->
-			<<!--{$item}-->><!--{$arrProduct[cnt][$item]|h|sf_mb_convert_encoding:$encode}--></<!--{$item}-->>
-		<!--{/foreach}-->
-	</item>
-</rss >

コピーによる追加: branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/default/rss/products.tpl (コピー元: リビジョン 19790, branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/default/rss/product.tpl)
--- branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/default/rss/products.tpl	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/version-2_5-dev/data/Smarty/templates/default/rss/products.tpl	2010-12-30 09:50:01 UTC (rev 19795)
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="<!--{$encode}-->"?>
+ * This file is part of EC-CUBE
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2000-2010 LOCKON CO.,LTD. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * http://www.lockon.co.jp/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+ *}-->
+<rss version="2.0">
+<!--{* channel要素 *}-->
+<description><!--{section name=cnt loop=$arrProduct}--><!--{$arrProduct[cnt].product_id|sf_mb_convert_encoding:$encode}-->,<!--{/section}--></description>
+<!--{section name=cnt loop=$arrProduct}-->
+	<!--{* 1つのitem要素を出力する *}-->
+	<item>
+		<link><!--{$smarty.const.SITE_URL}-->rss/product.php?product_id=<!--{$arrProduct[cnt].product_id}--></link>
+		<!--{foreach key=key item=item from=$arrProductKeys}-->
+			<<!--{$item}-->><!--{$arrProduct[cnt][$item]|h|sf_mb_convert_encoding:$encode}--></<!--{$item}-->>
+		<!--{/foreach}-->
+	</item>
+</rss >

変更: branches/version-2_5-dev/data/class/helper/SC_Helper_PageLayout.php
--- branches/version-2_5-dev/data/class/helper/SC_Helper_PageLayout.php	2010-12-30 09:36:13 UTC (rev 19794)
+++ branches/version-2_5-dev/data/class/helper/SC_Helper_PageLayout.php	2010-12-30 09:50:01 UTC (rev 19795)
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
                     if ($val['php_path'] != '') {
                         $arrNavi[$key]['php_path'] = HTML_PATH . $val['php_path'];
                     } else {
-                        $arrNavi[$key]['tpl_path'] = $this->getTemplatePath($device_type_id) . $val['tpl_path'];
+                        $arrNavi[$key]['tpl_path'] = $this->getTemplatePath($device_type_id) . BLOC_DIR . $val['tpl_path'];
                     // phpから呼び出されるか、tplファイルが存在する場合
                     if ($val['php_path'] != '' || is_file($arrNavi[$key]['tpl_path'])) {

変更: branches/version-2_5-dev/data/class/pages/admin/design/LC_Page_Admin_Design_Bloc.php
--- branches/version-2_5-dev/data/class/pages/admin/design/LC_Page_Admin_Design_Bloc.php	2010-12-30 09:36:13 UTC (rev 19794)
+++ branches/version-2_5-dev/data/class/pages/admin/design/LC_Page_Admin_Design_Bloc.php	2010-12-30 09:50:01 UTC (rev 19795)
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
         if (isset($_REQUEST['bloc_id']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['bloc_id'])) {
             $bloc_id = $_REQUEST['bloc_id'];
         } else {
-            $bloc_id = 1;
+            $bloc_id = null;
         $this->bloc_id = $bloc_id;
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
         $this->objLayout = new SC_Helper_PageLayout_Ex();
-        $package_path = $this->objLayout->getTemplatePath($device_type_id);
+        $package_path = $this->objLayout->getTemplatePath($device_type_id) . BLOC_DIR;
         // ブロック一覧を取得
         $this->arrBlocList = $this->lfgetBlocData("device_type_id = ?", array($device_type_id));
@@ -102,10 +102,10 @@
             $arrBlocData = $this->lfGetBlocData("bloc_id = ? AND device_type_id = ?",
                                                 array($bloc_id, $device_type_id));
-            $arrBlocData[0]['tpl_path'] = $this->objLayout->getTemplatePath($device_type_id) . $arrBlocData[0]['tpl_path'];
+            $tplPath = $package_path . $arrBlocData[0]['filename'] . '.tpl';
             // テンプレートファイルの読み込み
-            $arrBlocData[0]['tpl_data'] = file_get_contents($arrBlocData[0]['tpl_path']);
+            $arrBlocData[0]['tpl_data'] = file_get_contents($tplPath);
             $this->arrBlocData = $arrBlocData[0];
@@ -123,9 +123,10 @@
             $prev_path = USER_INC_PATH . 'preview/bloc_preview.tpl';
             // ディレクトリの作成
-            $fp = fopen($prev_path,"w");
-            fwrite($fp, $_POST['bloc_html']); // FIXME いきなり POST はちょっと...
-            fclose($fp);
+            $res = file_put_contents($new_bloc_path, $_POST['bloc_html']);
+            if ($res === false) {
+                SC_Utils_Ex::sfDispException();
+            }
             // プレビューデータ表示
             $this->preview = "on";
@@ -146,18 +147,18 @@
                 $this->lfEntryBlocData($_POST, $device_type_id);
                 // 旧ファイルの削除
-                $old_bloc_path = $package_path . $arrBlocData[0]['tpl_path'];
-                if (file_exists($old_bloc_path)) {
-                    unlink($old_bloc_path);
+                if (file_exists($tplPath)) {
+                    unlink($tplPath);
                 // ファイル作成
-                $new_bloc_path = $package_path . BLOC_DIR . $_POST['filename'] . ".tpl";
+                $new_bloc_path = $package_path . $_POST['filename'] . ".tpl";
                 // ディレクトリの作成
-                $fp = fopen($new_bloc_path,"w");
-                fwrite($fp, $_POST['bloc_html']); // FIXME いきなり POST はちょっと...
-                fclose($fp);
+                $res = file_put_contents($new_bloc_path, $_POST['bloc_html']);
+                if ($res === false) {
+                    SC_Utils_Ex::sfDispException();
+                }
                 $arrBlocData = $this->lfGetBlocData("filename = ? AND device_type_id = ?",
                                                     array($_POST['filename'], $device_type_id));
@@ -197,9 +198,8 @@
                 $ret = $objQuery->query($sql,array($_POST['bloc_id'], $device_type_id));
                 // ファイルの削除
-                $del_file = $package_path . BLOC_DIR . $arrBlocData[0]['filename']. '.tpl';
-                if(file_exists($del_file)){
-                    unlink($del_file);
+                if (file_exists($tplPath)) {
+                    unlink($tplPath);
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@
         // 更新データ生成
         $arrUpdData = array("bloc_name" => $arrData['bloc_name'],
-                            "tpl_path" => BLOC_DIR . $arrData['filename'] . '.tpl',
+                            "tpl_path" => $arrData['filename'] . '.tpl',
                             "filename" => $arrData['filename']);
         // データが存在しているかチェックを行う

変更: branches/version-2_5-dev/data/class/pages/rss/LC_Page_Rss_Products.php
--- branches/version-2_5-dev/data/class/pages/rss/LC_Page_Rss_Products.php	2010-12-30 09:36:13 UTC (rev 19794)
+++ branches/version-2_5-dev/data/class/pages/rss/LC_Page_Rss_Products.php	2010-12-30 09:50:01 UTC (rev 19795)
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
     function init() {
-        $this->tpl_mainpage = "rss/product.tpl";
+        $this->tpl_mainpage = "rss/products.tpl";
         $this->encode = "UTF-8";
         $this->title = "商品一覧情報";

変更: branches/version-2_5-dev/data/mtb_constants_init.php
--- branches/version-2_5-dev/data/mtb_constants_init.php	2010-12-30 09:36:13 UTC (rev 19794)
+++ branches/version-2_5-dev/data/mtb_constants_init.php	2010-12-30 09:50:01 UTC (rev 19795)
@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@
 /** SMARTYコンパイル(FTP許可) */
 /** ブロックファイル保存先 */
-define('BLOC_DIR', "bloc/");
+define('BLOC_DIR', "frontparts/bloc/");
 /** ブロックファイル保存先 */
 /** EメールアドレスチェックをRFC準拠にするか(true:準拠する、false:準拠しない) */

変更: branches/version-2_5-dev/html/install/sql/insert_data.sql
--- branches/version-2_5-dev/html/install/sql/insert_data.sql	2010-12-30 09:36:13 UTC (rev 19794)
+++ branches/version-2_5-dev/html/install/sql/insert_data.sql	2010-12-30 09:50:01 UTC (rev 19795)
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
-INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (10, 1, 'カテゴリ', 'bloc/category.tpl', 'category', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'frontparts/bloc/category.php', 0);
-INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (10, 2, '利用ガイド', 'bloc/guide.tpl', 'guide', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (10, 3, 'かごの中', 'bloc/cart.tpl', 'cart', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'frontparts/bloc/cart.php', 0);
-INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (10, 4, '商品検索', 'bloc/search_products.tpl', 'search_products', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'frontparts/bloc/search_products.php', 0);
-INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (10, 5, '新着情報', 'bloc/news.tpl', 'news', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'frontparts/bloc/news.php', 0);
-INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (10, 6, 'ログイン', 'bloc/login.tpl', 'login', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'frontparts/bloc/login.php', 0);
-INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (10, 7, 'おすすめ商品', 'bloc/best5.tpl', 'best5', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'frontparts/bloc/best5.php', 0);
-INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (10, 8, 'カレンダー', 'bloc/calendar.tpl', 'calendar', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'frontparts/bloc/calendar.php', 0);
-INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (1, 1, 'カテゴリ', 'bloc/category.tpl', 'category', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'frontparts/bloc/category.php', 0);
-INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (1, 2, '利用ガイド', 'bloc/guide.tpl', 'guide', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (1, 3, 'かごの中', 'bloc/cart.tpl', 'cart', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'frontparts/bloc/cart.php', 0);
-INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (1, 4, '商品検索', 'bloc/search_products.tpl', 'search_products', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'frontparts/bloc/search_products.php', 0);
-INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (1, 5, '新着情報', 'bloc/news.tpl', 'news', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'frontparts/bloc/news.php', 0);
-INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (1, 6, 'ログイン', 'bloc/login.tpl', 'login', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'frontparts/bloc/login.php', 0);
-INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (1, 7, 'おすすめ商品', 'bloc/best5.tpl', 'best5', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'frontparts/bloc/best5.php', 0);
-INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (1, 8, 'カレンダー', 'bloc/calendar.tpl', 'calendar', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'frontparts/bloc/calendar.php', 0);
-INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (2, 1, 'カテゴリ', 'bloc/category.tpl', 'category', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'frontparts/bloc/category.php', 0);
-INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (2, 2, '利用ガイド', 'bloc/guide.tpl', 'guide', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (2, 3, 'かごの中', 'bloc/cart.tpl', 'cart', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'frontparts/bloc/cart.php', 0);
-INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (2, 4, '商品検索', 'bloc/search_products.tpl', 'search_products', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'frontparts/bloc/search_products.php', 0);
-INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (2, 5, '新着情報', 'bloc/news.tpl', 'news', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'frontparts/bloc/news.php', 0);
-INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (2, 6, 'ログイン', 'bloc/login.tpl', 'login', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'frontparts/bloc/login.php', 0);
-INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (2, 7, 'おすすめ商品', 'bloc/best5.tpl', 'best5', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'frontparts/bloc/best5.php', 0);
-INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (2, 8, 'カレンダー', 'bloc/calendar.tpl', 'calendar', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'frontparts/bloc/calendar.php', 0);
+INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (10, 1, 'カテゴリ', 'category.tpl', 'category', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'frontparts/bloc/category.php', 0);
+INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (10, 2, '利用ガイド', 'guide.tpl', 'guide', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, NULL, 0);
+INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (10, 3, 'かごの中', 'cart.tpl', 'cart', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'frontparts/bloc/cart.php', 0);
+INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (10, 4, '商品検索', 'search_products.tpl', 'search_products', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'frontparts/bloc/search_products.php', 0);
+INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (10, 5, '新着情報', 'news.tpl', 'news', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'frontparts/bloc/news.php', 0);
+INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (10, 6, 'ログイン', 'login.tpl', 'login', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'frontparts/bloc/login.php', 0);
+INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (10, 7, 'おすすめ商品', 'best5.tpl', 'best5', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'frontparts/bloc/best5.php', 0);
+INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (10, 8, 'カレンダー', 'calendar.tpl', 'calendar', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'frontparts/bloc/calendar.php', 0);
+INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (1, 1, 'カテゴリ', 'category.tpl', 'category', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'frontparts/bloc/category.php', 0);
+INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (1, 2, '利用ガイド', 'guide.tpl', 'guide', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, NULL, 0);
+INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (1, 3, 'かごの中', 'cart.tpl', 'cart', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'frontparts/bloc/cart.php', 0);
+INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (1, 4, '商品検索', 'search_products.tpl', 'search_products', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'frontparts/bloc/search_products.php', 0);
+INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (1, 5, '新着情報', 'news.tpl', 'news', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'frontparts/bloc/news.php', 0);
+INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (1, 6, 'ログイン', 'login.tpl', 'login', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'frontparts/bloc/login.php', 0);
+INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (1, 7, 'おすすめ商品', 'best5.tpl', 'best5', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'frontparts/bloc/best5.php', 0);
+INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (1, 8, 'カレンダー', 'calendar.tpl', 'calendar', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'frontparts/bloc/calendar.php', 0);
+INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (2, 1, 'カテゴリ', 'category.tpl', 'category', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'frontparts/bloc/category.php', 0);
+INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (2, 2, '利用ガイド', 'guide.tpl', 'guide', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, NULL, 0);
+INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (2, 3, 'かごの中', 'cart.tpl', 'cart', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'frontparts/bloc/cart.php', 0);
+INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (2, 4, '商品検索', 'search_products.tpl', 'search_products', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'frontparts/bloc/search_products.php', 0);
+INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (2, 5, '新着情報', 'news.tpl', 'news', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'frontparts/bloc/news.php', 0);
+INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (2, 6, 'ログイン', 'login.tpl', 'login', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'frontparts/bloc/login.php', 0);
+INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (2, 7, 'おすすめ商品', 'best5.tpl', 'best5', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'frontparts/bloc/best5.php', 0);
+INSERT INTO dtb_bloc (device_type_id, bloc_id, bloc_name, tpl_path, filename, create_date, update_date, php_path, deletable_flg) VALUES (2, 8, 'カレンダー', 'calendar.tpl', 'calendar', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'frontparts/bloc/calendar.php', 0);
 INSERT INTO dtb_blocposition (device_type_id, page_id, target_id, bloc_id, bloc_row, anywhere) VALUES (10, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0);
 INSERT INTO dtb_blocposition (device_type_id, page_id, target_id, bloc_id, bloc_row, anywhere) VALUES (10, 1, 1, 2, 3, 0);
@@ -1265,7 +1265,7 @@
 INSERT INTO mtb_constants (id, name, rank, remarks) VALUES ('COMPILE_ADMIN_DIR', 'DATA_PATH . "Smarty/templates_c/admin/"', 308, 'SMARTYコンパイル(管理機能)');
 INSERT INTO mtb_constants (id, name, rank, remarks) VALUES ('TEMPLATE_FTP_DIR', 'USER_PATH . USER_PACKAGE_DIR . TEMPLATE_NAME . "/"', 309, 'SMARTYテンプレート(FTP許可)');
 INSERT INTO mtb_constants (id, name, rank, remarks) VALUES ('COMPILE_FTP_DIR', 'COMPILE_DIR . USER_DIR', 310, 'SMARTYコンパイル(FTP許可)');
-INSERT INTO mtb_constants (id, name, rank, remarks) VALUES ('BLOC_DIR', '"bloc/"', 311, 'ブロックファイル保存先');
+INSERT INTO mtb_constants (id, name, rank, remarks) VALUES ('BLOC_DIR', '"frontparts/bloc/"', 311, 'ブロックファイル保存先');
 INSERT INTO mtb_constants (id, name, rank, remarks) VALUES ('MOBILE_TEMPLATE_DIR', 'SMARTY_TEMPLATES_DIR . MOBILE_TEMPLATE_NAME . "/"', 312, 'SMARTYテンプレート(mobile)');
 INSERT INTO mtb_constants (id, name, rank, remarks) VALUES ('MOBILE_COMPILE_DIR', 'DATA_PATH . "Smarty/templates_c/" . MOBILE_TEMPLATE_NAME . "/"', 313, 'SMARTYコンパイル(mobile)');
 INSERT INTO mtb_constants (id, name, rank, remarks) VALUES ('SMARTPHONE_TEMPLATE_DIR', 'SMARTY_TEMPLATES_DIR . SMARTPHONE_TEMPLATE_NAME . "/"', 314, 'SMARTYテンプレート(smart phone)');

Svn-src-all メーリングリストの案内