[Svn-src-all:3668] [version-2_12-dev 22580] #2159 意味が無いLIKE

habu admin @ mail.ec-cube.net
2013年 2月 22日 (金) 14:28:42 JST

Subversion committed to /home/svn/open 22580
│更新者 :  habu                                         │
│更新日時:  2013-02-22 14:28:41 +0900 (金, 22  2月 2013)│

#2159 意味が無いLIKE

Changed:                      [U:修正,A:追加,D:削除]
U   branches/version-2_12-dev/data/class/pages/forgot/LC_Page_Forgot.php

変更: branches/version-2_12-dev/data/class/pages/forgot/LC_Page_Forgot.php
--- branches/version-2_12-dev/data/class/pages/forgot/LC_Page_Forgot.php	2013-02-21 11:03:56 UTC (rev 22579)
+++ branches/version-2_12-dev/data/class/pages/forgot/LC_Page_Forgot.php	2013-02-22 05:28:41 UTC (rev 22580)
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
         $errmsg = NULL;
         $objQuery =& SC_Query_Ex::getSingletonInstance();
-        $where = '(email Like ? OR email_mobile Like ?) AND name01 Like ? AND name02 Like ? AND del_flg = 0';
+        $where = '(email = ? OR email_mobile = ?) AND name01 = ? AND name02 = ? AND del_flg = 0';
         $arrVal = array($arrForm['email'], $arrForm['email'], $arrForm['name01'], $arrForm['name02']);
         $result = $objQuery->select('reminder, status', 'dtb_customer', $where, $arrVal);
         if (isset($result[0]['reminder']) and isset($arrReminder[$result[0]['reminder']])) {
@@ -204,8 +204,8 @@
         $objQuery =& SC_Query_Ex::getSingletonInstance();
         $cols = 'customer_id, reminder, reminder_answer, salt';
         $table = 'dtb_customer';
-        $where = '(email Like ? OR email_mobile Like ?)'
-                    . ' AND name01 Like ? AND name02 Like ?'
+        $where = '(email = ? OR email_mobile = ?)'
+                    . ' AND name01 = ? AND name02 = ?'
                     . ' AND status = 2 AND del_flg = 0';
         $arrVal = array($arrForm['email'], $arrForm['email'],
                             $arrForm['name01'], $arrForm['name02']);

Svn-src-all メーリングリストの案内